BRM Capability

business relationship management capability is everything it takes, both visible and invisible, to nurture relationships in an organization. Examples of visible components are meetings, artifacts, and professional development, while examples of invisible components are knowledge learned, experience gained, trust, and confidence-building. Used effectively, these components build the endless reserve of energy necessary to evolve culturebuild partnershipsdrive value, and satisfy purpose.

The business relationship management capability facilitates culture advancement, driving it to one of trust, creativity, innovation, authenticity, and shared ownership across the organization. A mature business relationship management capability converges cross-functional teams to create holistic strategies that deliver organizational value and meaningful results.

Click here to learn more on: BRM Capability DefinedBRM Capability Success

Evolve BRM Organzation

Own Your New BRM Role: Effectively Evolve BRM in Your Organization


You landed the job. You’re officially a practicing BRM! After the initial thrill has subsided, you may be faced with many unanswered questions. Consider following these five stages to confidently flow into your new BRM role and evolve your organization through trusting relationships!

How and Why to Land a BRM Role


BRM is everywhere. For this reason, we interviewed and compiled advice from BRMs across all varieties of experience, industries, and team sizes within our single, global community. We asked them why someone should aspire to become a BRM and how to go about pursuing a career in BRM.

Women Innovation

Dear Forbes: Women are Innovative, Too


As we celebrate diversity, it is an opportunity for growth and ensures that every voice is heard. Despite what still needs to be done around gender inequality in the workplace, BRM Institute has been working diligently to break down these barriers through education and awareness.

Active Listening Feature Image

Harness the Power of Active Listening to Drive Better Results as a BRM


As relationship navigators, BRMs succeed through connecting with others. If you want to improve efficiency and productivity in your next interaction, ask questions about how the other person is feeling and apply active listening techniques. You may surprise yourself by the transformative results you can achieve from these simple behavior changes.

BRMs Driving Culture

Moving the Needle on Culture Evolution


What is culture? Culture is symbolic communication. It represents a way of life for a group of people with shared behaviors, beliefs, values, and symbols. As BRMs, we manage a delicate balance between optimizing business value and evolving culture towards shared partnerships.

Why does a BRM Exist? Philosophy

Why Does a BRM Exist?


As the world evolves its understanding of what business is, our understanding of purpose begs the question,“What drives purpose?” That answer is philosophy.

external BRM capability

Advancing the External BRM Capability: A BRM Institute Community of Interest


Introducing the newest BRM Institute Community of Interest, “Advancing the External BRM Capability”, formed at the World BRMConnect 2019 conference! Meet the group of passionate BRMs on a journey of advancing the BRM capability externally and find out how you can join them!

Stellar Communication Equals Successful Collaboration


When aiming for successful collaboration, there is no “one-size-fits-all solution.” It’s a tailored, iterative process that considers the partner experience, and is driven by stellar communication through BRM. During the breakout session during BRMConnect 2019, Bob Roark explains Collaboration for Success.

Making the Future Friendly, One Relationship at a Time


Marshall Berkin gave the keynote presentation at BRMConnect 2019 to demonstrate how TELUS successfully drove strategic value to their external partners. They integrated BRM within just 12 months and currently employ 93 BRMs, half of which are currently BRMP certified. Their team drove $14.6 million in incremental gross margin and a 23 percentage point increase customer satisfaction.

Value Framework BRM

Value Focused Organization: A BRM Institute Volunteer Working Group


BRM Institute’s working group, Value-Focused Organization, is putting its efforts toward standardizing and validating the importance of value recognition within an organization. As one of the BRM Core Disciplines, the new value framework aims to track progress, identify ways of increasing value from strategic partnership between business and its business functions, and initiates feedback that triggers continuous improvement cycles.

Satisfy Purpose at BRMConnect 2019


With the rise of relationshipism and organizations that embrace BRM, our careers are allowing us to bring more personal purpose into the workplace. This convergence of personal and organization purpose leads to happier individuals, stronger relationships and durable communities. Learn how to satisfy purpose at BRMConnect 2019!

Experience NOLA at BRMConnect 2019


New Orleans is a truly magical city, unlike any other in the world, which is exactly why we selected it as the home of BRMConnect 2019. Come experience NOLA before, during, and after the conference!

Coming Full Circle with BRM Philosophy: New Workforce Generation


According to a study conducted by the Society for Human Resource Management, 94% of future generations want to use their skills to benefit a cause. This overwhelming demand for greater purpose in the workplace cannot be ignored.

Make Friends at BRMConnect 2019


BRM – the ‘R’ is for Relationship! Make friends at BRMConnect with colleagues, peers, mentors, and coaches from various industries and experience levels! Connect with other BRMs and partner with each other as we work to better ourselves as friends!

How to Evolve from Internal Competition to United Teams

How to Evolve from Internal Competition to United Teams


Organizational silos form when people differ in their approach on how to achieve business value. As a result, independent groups jostle and vie for an organization’s resources, creating unhealthy internal competition. Learn how to evolve your organization from internal competition to united teams!

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