BRM Capability

business relationship management capability is everything it takes, both visible and invisible, to nurture relationships in an organization. Examples of visible components are meetings, artifacts, and professional development, while examples of invisible components are knowledge learned, experience gained, trust, and confidence-building. Used effectively, these components build the endless reserve of energy necessary to evolve culturebuild partnershipsdrive value, and satisfy purpose.

The business relationship management capability facilitates culture advancement, driving it to one of trust, creativity, innovation, authenticity, and shared ownership across the organization. A mature business relationship management capability converges cross-functional teams to create holistic strategies that deliver organizational value and meaningful results.

Click here to learn more on: BRM Capability DefinedBRM Capability Success

The United Kingdom BRM Community Event 2023


We extend a warm invitation to BRM professionals to join us for an exciting event, filled with networking opportunities, engaging interactions with colleagues, and invaluable learning experiences from esteemed speakers. This event promises dynamic speakers who are ready to share their expertise, and additionally a lively Q&A session which will allow you to directly interact with these thought-leaders, fostering enriching discussions and meaningful connections.

The Evolved Certified Business Relationship Management (CBRM®) Pilot


The Evolved CBRM Inaugural course is your invitation to lead, innovate, and create a significant impact on a global scale. This will be more than just a course; it’s an opportunity to shape the future of CBRM® training. A small, select group will have the opportunity to earn an official BRM Practitioner certification, as well as participate in the active feedback and development of this program before its final rollout. Deepen your BRM expertise, network with peers, and contribute to the evolving curriculum designed for the next generation of BRM professionals.

The BRM Fundamentals: Empowering Professionals in Relationship Management


Crafted with the intention of empowering professionals, the BRM Fundamentals course offers a powerful learning experience that combines theoretical concepts with practical application. Through a series of engaging modules, participants are guided through various aspects of BRM, gaining insights and skills to foster relationships that transcend mere transactions and evolve into strategic partnerships.

How to Become a Business Relationship Manager


In case you missed it…the recent APMG webinar, Level Up Your Career: How to Become a Business Relationship Manager, is a 60-minute interactive Q&A session where five BRM expert panelists answered viewer-submitted questions about becoming a BRM.
The skilled panel took turns masterfully offering their expertise around BRM and what it means to thrive as a BRM in your organization. Let’s get right to it and dive into a few questions and answers from the session.

Building Bridges with BRM and Agile


By combining these methodologies, you can create a powerful toolset that delivers business value incrementally and iteratively. This approach can provide a competitive advantage for your company and add value to you as a BRM.

How BRMs Can Leverage AI


Artificial Intelligence is becoming increasingly prevalent in the business world, and while some professionals and organizations are hesitant to incorporate it into their processes, others have fully embraced its potential to streamline operations and improve customer satisfaction. However, for relationship-centered organizations, the question remains: does AI represent a threat to the human touch that is essential to building and maintaining strong connections with clients, stakeholders, and partners? The answer is no.

Unlock the Infinite: Triple Bottom Line


The triple bottom line shifts the focus from profits, a trailing indicator, and changes the focal point to people, purpose, and planet, a leading factor for organizations to perpetually thrive. The triple bottom line is about the never-ending future of the organization—not its recent past. It’s a much more inclusive way to participate in your organization, and it encourages a more meaningful work environment while inspiring a shared ownership mentality.

Professional Development, Resolutions, Recession, and YOU!


Instead of being fearful, face forward and be fearless! Sometimes you can’t wait for the world to catch up and you must decide to lock the back door to the caboose and travel the distance to the front of the train. No matter how many times you may lose your balance or how many stops along the way, reaching for that next step in your career and obtaining it is exactly what you need

Why a Square Peg Never Fits Into a Round Hole


Change isn’t easy. Nobody worth their salt is going to tell you anything different. Change is uncomfortable, it’s un-nerving, and it can be downright scary. And for creatures of habit, as we are, it will throw us off our game. So, when something presents itself dressed up as change, we may find ourselves backing away until we are pressed against the wall and forced to come out swinging, or we sacrifice ourselves, because, well, change will inevitably catch up to us.

Why BRMP®?


You’re good at business relationship management, you’re seeing a lot of progress within your organization, and yet, you recognize there is space to grow your talent and expand your knowledge. Now is a good time to earn your BRMP certification and confirm to your organization’s decision makers the immense value of the BRM role. When you take the initiative in your professional development and earn the BRMP certification, it validates the commitment you have to the business relationship management discipline and to your organization.

10 Signs of a Daring Leader


It doesn’t take much effort to recognize the overt qualities of a darling leader. Society tends to flock to people who exude confidence and garner credibility. We look to people who aren’t afraid to take the bull by the horns and lead us in the direction of progress. It is the strong, confident, intelligent, and compassionate leaders who rise to the surface through adversity and growth.

The 5 Factors That Matter


The factors of an organization matter. The ways in which an organization conducts business, treats its employees, delivers value, and keeps innovating matter. To a relationship-centered organization (RCO), these factors can establish a positive perception of purposeful results. They can also connect individuals’ needs to the organization’s purpose, thereby increasing employee engagement inside and outside the organization.

Now-to-New: How BRM Can Innovate Organizational Change


As BRMs, we know that we will always be flexible and available to pivot when necessary. We also know that since our quest to harness value is never-ending, we will always be in the flux of change, and we will always have a static “now” which will evolve into “new” when changes are implemented…which is a cycle that will always continue.

Now-to-New: How BRM Can Innovate Organizational Change


As BRMs, we know that we will always be flexible and available to pivot when necessary. We also know that since our quest to harness value is never-ending, we will always be in the flux of change, and we will always have a static “now” which will evolve into “new” when changes are implemented…which is a cycle that will always continue.

The Key to Thrive: Suresh GP, MBRM, Weighs In


The Key to Thrive: Real BRMs Weigh In to discuss the tools, techniques and resources that helped them advance their BRM role. Read the full article to learn what they revealed.


Are You Doing Meaningful Work?


Now accepting Storyteller submissions! Baziel Barends, a previous BRMConnect Storyteller, talks about the impact of doing meaningful work.

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