BRM Capability

business relationship management capability is everything it takes, both visible and invisible, to nurture relationships in an organization. Examples of visible components are meetings, artifacts, and professional development, while examples of invisible components are knowledge learned, experience gained, trust, and confidence-building. Used effectively, these components build the endless reserve of energy necessary to evolve culturebuild partnershipsdrive value, and satisfy purpose.

The business relationship management capability facilitates culture advancement, driving it to one of trust, creativity, innovation, authenticity, and shared ownership across the organization. A mature business relationship management capability converges cross-functional teams to create holistic strategies that deliver organizational value and meaningful results.

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Exploring the Evolution of the CBRM Certification Course

The newest Evolved CBRM signifies a shift towards a more integrated, strategic, and holistic approach to Business Relationship Management. The original CBRM focused on the tactical aspects of value management and innovation within business relationships. In contrast, the Evolved CBRM broadens the scope to include a deeper understanding of organizational purpose, energy, and how to influence intentional positive change that ensures results.

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Breaking Silos with Beats: Spotify’s Tribe Framework in Facilitating Cross-Functional Business Relationships -Part 1


In the symphony of modern business, where each department plays a distinct tune, it’s crucial for business and IT executives and senior leaders to conduct an orchestra that harmonizes these tunes into a coherent melody. The Tribe Framework, popularized by Spotify, offers a rhythm to break silos and enhance cross-functional business relationships. In part one of this article, we will explore the members of the Tribe, while part two will explore the application of the methodology.

How Business Relationship Managers Help Unlock Your Company’s Value


In part two of this four-part series, we covered the basics of business relationship management and described how this framework acts as a capability, discipline and role to evolve culture, build partnerships, drive value and satisfy purpose. In this article, we’ll break down how the role of a business relationship manager applies the capability to identify and deliver value within your organization – and why doing so is important.

What is Business Relationship Management and How Can it Help Your Organization?


Many organizations don’t have a centralized approach to achieving business value, causing divisions in culture, workplace silos and waste. According to The Harvard Business Review, when specialists work together across the boundaries of their expertise, their firms earn higher margins, inspire greater client loyalty and gain a competitive edge. But how can you combat the constant threat of fragmentation through growth and disruption? Many businesses are turning to business relationship management (BRM), a core competency offering a holistic, people-centric solution. As an example of how you can successfully apply BRM as a capability to acknowledge and respond to business challenges, we’ll look at the Honda Manufacturing of Alabama (HMA) facility.

A Day in the Life of a Business Relationship Manager: Bridging the Gap


Without the BRM capability, organizations often face significant challenges. Miscommunication between IT and business units can lead to misaligned priorities, reactive IT service management, and business partners struggling to navigate IT services effectively. The presence of a BRM changes this dynamic by fostering proactive communication, aligning IT initiatives with business objectives, and ensuring that both sides work collaboratively towards shared goals.

Protecting Against Cybercrime: Advancing Security Through Business Relationship Management


In essence, a strategic BRM capability can facilitate collaboration between the CISO and other parts of the organization. It helps in translating security priorities into business value and impact, building relationships, and ensuring that security is integrated into the organizational culture and decision-making processes. This collaborative approach can enhance the CISO’s ability to address the mentioned challenges and create a more security-conscious and resilient organization.

A Practical Guide to Your Certification Journey: BRMP, CBRM, and MBRM


Professionals in the field of Business Relationship Management (BRM) are seeking ways to equip themselves with the skills and knowledge necessary to drive value, enhance collaboration, and foster innovation within their organizations. This quest for excellence often involves pursuing certifications such as BRMP, CBRM, and MBRM. In this article, we will explore the key differences between these certifications, highlight their unique benefits, and provide guidance on how to achieve them.

How to Re-Establish the Relationship Between Business Partners and Technology


Relationships are strengthened when we demonstrate that what we say we are going to do is done, when we manage to gain the trust of our business partners because we work in such a way that we achieve the strategic objectives of the organization. When we understand that we all share ownership for the success or failure of the organization and we help each other to achieve our objectives.

BRMxGenAI: Meet My New Best Friend


As we step into 2024, let’s embrace it as a year of experimentation and discovery. After all, with Generative AI tools, your success is largely influenced by the quality and creativity of your prompts. The potential of these tools is immense, opening new avenues in efficiency, creativity, and innovation. If you’re eager to dive deeper and uncover how Generative AI can transform your work and business practices, join us on February 16th for a special webinar on this fascinating subject.

How to Re-Establish the Relationship Between Business Partners and Technology


Relationships are strengthened when we demonstrate that what we say we are going to do is done, when we manage to gain the trust of our business partners because we work in such a way that we achieve the strategic objectives of the organization. When we understand that we all share ownership for the success or failure of the organization and we help each other to achieve our objectives.

BRMs and Healthcare AI-Partnering for Success


The BRM role brings essential knowledge and relationships to this documentation, evaluation, and prioritization process. A good BRM will possess strong clinical workflow knowledge – including strong enough relationships to facilitate shadowing clinical workflows by IT team members and to generate powerful narratives to advocate for innovation.

Measuring the Value of Business Relationship Management


All of us want to be appreciated. Gratitude is something we all seek and is a vital and necessary part of a healthy life. When we serve, sacrifice, or contribute, a desire or need for appreciation is natural. This is true in our personal lives and in our professional lives. Appreciation is a necessary recognition that drives, motivates, and fulfills at work. However, appreciation alone is not enough.

The Human Experience in the Digital Age | White Paper


Download BRM Institute’s white paper, “The Human Experience in the Digital Age.” Written by Steve Plante, this white paper discusses how people worldwide are able to be human again with the help of digital capabilities, purpose-based social systems, and the rise of business relationship management.

Empowering BRMs Using Emotional Intelligence


It’s been observed that the pivotal factor in the personal development of BRMs lies in the profound emphasis on Emotional Intelligence. While technical skills and expertise undoubtedly contribute to BRMs’ achievement, mastery of Emotional Intelligence sets them apart and drives their effectiveness. Emotional Intelligence is the ability to recognize, understand, and manage one’s own emotions and the emotions of others. It involves being aware of emotional cues and using this awareness to navigate interpersonal interactions and relationships effectively.

Next Gen IT: The New CIO


If you’re curious at all, you can’t help but wonder what the future holds for businesses, jobs, and our families. I think it is natural to wonder what life will be like in the future. In the world of technology, futurists have predicted the end of the CIO, software that writes itself, and that IT itself will become irrelevant in business.

Garnering CFO Support for Leveraging Your BRM Capability


As we approach the end of the year, the promise of a new year brings with it the opportunity to reflect on our professional journeys and consider how we can enhance our skills and knowledge in the year ahead. And what better way to do so than by making the most of your company’s professional development budget? With unspent funds often left unused, it’s crucial to understand how to effectively request and leverage these resources for your own growth and development.

The Significance of Empathy in BRM


But when looking at top performers in this space, one trait stands out more than others: their ability to connect – and relate – to people as human beings.

High performers don’t see others by title, role, or office. They see them as people and engage them that way. That’s what most people do in their personal lives. But for some reason, they act differently in their professional lives and let stature influence the way they connect with others.
The best BRMs know that one of the ways to build meaningful relationships is to connect to others as human beings and not by job title. This means genuinely understanding the other person…their values, what motivates them, and how they see their world. It means seeing things from their perspective and feeling what they feel.

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