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Celebrate World #BRMWeek

World #BRMWeek which honors all of the work you do for your organization week-long celebration of all things BRM! Want to take part in the festivities worldwide? Take a look at the week of events we have planned for you and your team!

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Expanding Horizons for Professionals Worldwide: The BRMP® Textbook Now Available in 5 Languages


As the demand for Business Relationship Management continues to grow worldwide, these translations empower practitioners everywhere to enhance their skills and contribute to the global exchange of best practices. Recognizing the increasing need for BRM expertise, we are committed to continuing our translation efforts, ensuring that valuable insights and strategies are accessible to all, no matter where they are located.

Ensuring Ethical AI


On the onset, we’ve found that it’s virtually impossible to take on the responsibilities of product/project managers while taking into account everything that could have a negative impact or considering potential blind spots. The nature of AI product development and AI project implementation is highly iterative, making highly challenging for PMs who drive these cycles, to also monitor risks, impacts and blind spots.

The Neuroscience of Trust


Building trust is a dynamic process that requires intentional effort. It begins with fostering open and transparent communication, creating psychological safety, and demonstrating consistent behaviors that align with trustworthiness. Leaders who prioritize building trust invest in interpersonal connections, actively listen to their team members, and consistently honor their commitments. By doing so, they create a positive feedback loop wherein trust flourishes, and relationships deepen.

Mastering Your BRM Toolkit….. On Demand!


On April 24, 2024, the single, global BRM community came together for a powerful virtual event that offered essential learning for professionals at all levels.
This exciting event, Mastering Your BRM Toolkit, offered with a range of workshops which covered topics like how to utilize the RSOAP, value documents, Growing Relationship Maturity and much more. Attendees had the opportunity to experience a live Q&A with presenters and tap into expertise & knowledge to needed to start applying these tools to their own practice.

If you couldn’t attend this event live….we’ve got great news for you!

The Impact of the Age of Abundance on Business Relationship Management: Nurturing Purposeful Connections


The Age of Abundance presents a evolutionary era for BRM professionals. By embracing the complexity and abundance of choices, cultivating purposeful relationships, and leveraging the democratization of resources and technology, BRM practitioners can thrive in this new age. Through their strategic guidance, BRM professionals have the potential to shape organizations that harness the richness of abundance to drive growth, create value, and make a positive impact on society at large.

Volunteers Make the World Brighter: April is Volunteer Appreciation Month


As April unfolds, we step into a month dedicated to acknowledging the immeasurable impact of volunteers worldwide. BRM Institute volunteers tirelessly champion the principles of BRM, nurturing a global network of professionals dedicated to strategic partnership and value realization. Volunteer Appreciation Month offers a fitting moment to extend our heartfelt gratitude to these exceptional individuals.

Certification Preferred – The New Business Standard


Through the training and certification process, professionals learn the ins and outs of the art and practice of Business Relationship Management and are equipped with a wide range of practice-proven techniques and frameworks at every stage of the BRM role maturity allowing them to make immediate meaningful contributions to their organization’s bottom line.

Ego vs Relationship-Centered


To be proactive, I chose a relationship centric approach. I created an executive friendly format designed to enhance the client experience. The clarity of the project time frame and the individual staff accountability it conveyed was priceless.

Top BRMs 2024


The global BRM community is recognizing the top BRMs that have achieved success through their BRM efforts, strengthened the global BRM community and BRM discipline, enriched lives through excellence in BRM within their organizations, and/or contributed to the community on a local, national, and global level.

The BRMP Italian Translation is Here!


As a global organization reaching members worldwide, BRM Institute is proud to announce the newest language translation of the Business Relationship Management Professional certification in Italian!

Bring Your BRM Team to Life: Plan and Prepare


We are thrilled to introduce the next exciting chapter in the “Bringing a BRM Team to Life” series: “Bringing a BRM Team to Life: The Plan Phase.” Written by a team of seasoned BRM experts, this essential guide is designed to help you unlock your team’s full potential.

Putting The Single, Global BRM Community First


 As we embark on this journey towards a more inclusive and collaborative community, we invite all members to actively participate and contribute to our shared purpose. Together, we can realize the full potential of the BRM community and drive positive change in the discipline.

The 2023 BRM Compensation Report is Now Available!


The 2023 BRM Compensation Report offers invaluable insights into professional career development for more than just compensation, such as role growth, credentialing impact, job satisfaction and more. Gain the data-backed knowledge needed to position yourself for higher earning potential and the confidence to elevate your career prospects by understanding the current landscape of the business relationship management field.

Calling All BRMs! Time to Update Your Profile


Ready to amp up your BRM connections? We’re diving into our “Community First” strategy and want to you on board. To be a part of the exciting upcoming membership offerings, we’re asking everyone to update their membership profile. Head over to your profile and add your address, industry, and function. Plus, giving us the greenlight to enroll you in the BRM Communities would be fantastic! Let’s make it official and dive right into BRM Communities together!

BRMs and Healthcare AI-Partnering for Success


The BRM role brings essential knowledge and relationships to this documentation, evaluation, and prioritization process. A good BRM will possess strong clinical workflow knowledge – including strong enough relationships to facilitate shadowing clinical workflows by IT team members and to generate powerful narratives to advocate for innovation.

Leveling Up Your BRMP Knowledge Self Paced is Here!


The Leveling Up Your BRMP Knowledge Self-Paced course provides legacy BRMP and CBRM certification holders with an opportunity to stay ahead of the curve in BRM practices with convenience of learning from anywhere in world. By enhancing your knowledge, you position yourself to drive impactful change, foster innovative solutions, and achieve lasting results for your organization.

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