Certification Preferred – The New Business Standard

Posted | Category: BRM Community, Professional Development | Contributed

NOV one of the world’s leading companies with more than 27,000 employees has been a pioneer of innovation in the global energy space for more than 150 years….

has posted a Business Relationship Manager role with the Business Relationship Management Professional (BRMP®) or Certified Business Relationship Manager (CBRM) as a preferred qualification for candidates to apply.

The BRMP and CBRM are globally recognized as the standard for BRM practitioners. These highly sought after credentials represent the candidate holds the knowledge needed, and proven best practices on how to effectively converge the business with numerous business support teams (IT, HR, Finance, Legal, External Account Managers, etc.) and execute a shared business strategy.

The BRM capability brings all the business teams together to focus on real value driven efforts positively impacting the organization’s bottom line and directly contributing to improvements in end-customer satisfaction and overall service experiences.

The Master of Business Relationship Management (MBRM) exemplifies the pinnacle of expertise in the BRM field. This prestigious designation represents the culmination of experience, knowledge, and proficiency in driving strategic alignment, enhancing value and optimizing business outcomes. It’s no surprise that organizations are seeking professional candidates that hold this credential.

Through the training and certification process, professionals learn the ins and outs of the art and practice of Business Relationship Management and are equipped with a wide range of practice-proven techniques and frameworks at every stage of the BRM role maturity allowing them to make immediate meaningful contributions to their organization’s bottom line.

Recent BRM Job Openings

BRM Institute is very excited to see the major increase in global demand for the BRMP®, CBRM® and MBRM® certification continuing to grow every year.


Your dream job is waiting…. get certified today.


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