The BRMP Italian Translation is Here!

InsiderPosted | Category: BRM Community, Professional Development | Contributed

Exciting news during BRMWeek 2024!

The latest translation of the Business Relationship Management Professional (BRMP) is now available in Italian.

The BRM Institute lifelong learning and development team has worked closely with accredited trainers and Italian translators to develop the BRMP Italian which is now available to students.

Primary translator, Luca Gambetti, shares a few words about this exciting knowledge offering release…

““Le aziende italiane hanno iniziato a introdurre il ruolo di Business Relationship Manager, e non solo nel dipartimento IT. Spesso però il ruolo del BRM non è definito in modo chiaro, e questo si ripercuote sulle persone chiamate a ricoprirlo. Per questo motivo ho accolto con entusiasmo l’invito a tradurre in italiano il materiale del corso BRM Professional; spero in questo modo di fornire un contributo valido a tutti i colleghi BRM

Hover your cursor over the text above to see in English

What other translations are available for the BRMP course?

Stay tuned throughout the year as we will be sharing more exciting translation announcements in the coming months. The Spanish BRMP, German BRMP and now Italian BRMP are currently available with soon-to-be-added French translation upcoming for 2024.

As a global organization, BRM Institute is committed to providing professional development opportunities that support individuals and organizations across every corner of the globe. Dedicated to empowering professionals with the knowledge, skills, and resources they need to thrive in BRM no matter where they are located in the world.

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