Make Friends at BRMConnect 2019

InsiderPosted | Category: BRM Capability, BRM Community, Professional Development, Relationshipism | Contributed

True, meaningful connections take time and effort to be cultivated and nurtured into life-long friendships.

Ironically, these integral relationships are more at risk than ever in the age of digital connection.

In all honesty, online relationships are more virtual than substantial when the level of interaction involves clicks and scrolling through someone else’s current events.

If this is the case, why are these relationships so common?

Given, the initial costs of investing time into a new friendship are quite high and, unfortunately, most people simply don’t have the time to spend.

The Importance of Friendship

Whether we reject or accept it, genuine connection is a basic human need. Our friendships are a vital area of life where we can connect, share our thoughts and feelings, be challenged, and simply have fun!

Moreover, the Gallup Organization’s director, Tom Rath, conducted a large-scale study on the impact of friendship in our lives. He found some compelling insights:

  • If your best friend eats healthy, you are five times more likely to have a healthy diet yourself.
  • Married people say: friendship is more than five times as important as physical intimacy within marriage.
  • Those who say they have no real friends at work only have a one in 12 chance of feeling engaged in their job.
  • If you have a “best friend at work”, you are seven times more likely to feel engaged at your job.

Although, when asked, most people would agree that making time for friends is a top priority in their lives, this doesn’t always reflect reality. In fact, many studies have shown that the human race is more lonely than ever before.

Are we sacrificing true and meaningful connection for the sake of convenience that social media offers us? Do we tell ourselves we’re staying connected with our friends and family when really, we’re simply “keeping tabs”?

Consequently, it is becoming clear that our ability to virtually connect through text, social media, or any other digital communication app simply cannot replace face-to-face connection with another human.

Friendship requires time, effort, and energy. However, the cost of neglecting our friendships is far greater.

Make New Friends

It’s no secret that BRMs are all about relationships, and BRMConnect is the place to make some new ones! We challenge you to take the time and effort to build crucial relationships not only to enhance your careers, but also to lead more fulfilled lives.

Explore more opportunities to make new friends before and after the conference by registering these additional knowledge offerings! Act fast, registration ends September 30th!

Join us at BRMConnect and make friends with colleagues, peers, mentors, and coaches from varying industries and experience levels. Connect with other BRMs and partner with each other as we work to better ourselves as friends!



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