BRM Philosophy
BRM as a Philosophy widens the lens on BRM and demonstrates that the strategic and tactical skills of BRMs have a broader use in the world at large. Notably, everything from breaking down silos to convergence of ideas can be applied in a bigger, philosophical sense. Ultimately, BRM focuses on the building and fostering of relationships to satisfy personal and organizational purpose.
The Key to Thrive: Suresh GP, MBRM, Weighs In
The Key to Thrive: Real BRMs Weigh In to discuss the tools, techniques and resources that helped them advance their BRM role. Read the full article to learn what they revealed.
Top Five Traits to Cultivate to Thrive as a BRM
A good BRM will take this skillset, and use it to harness the abilities of multiple teams throughout the organization, thereby bringing value to the organization by thinking outside of the box to connect the dots regarding what needs done and who can best do it., BRMs also discover win-win opportunities for both the organization and the teams within it, and they will help to both manage and exceed expectations.
The Key to Thrive: Jeremy Semmelroth, BRMP, Weighs In
The Key to Thrive: Real BRMs Weigh In to discuss the tools, techniques and resources that helped them advance their BRM role. Read the full article to learn what they revealed.
The Ultimate Differentiator: Why BRM Matters
We live in a world of change. Maintaining the status quo simply does not work. Successful organizations are always looking forward and not back. They always seek better ways of doing things, new ways to attract and retain customers, and opportunities to lead their industry. Successful organizations invest in the areas of the organization that can help lead them down this path. They invest in the differentiators. BRM is the ultimate differentiator.
Emotional Competency – The Secret to Building and Sustaining Relationships
The practice of Emotional Intelligence in an organization not only allows an individual to understand emotions, but grants the ability to facilitate positive communication under any circumstance. When an organization’s relationship network is made up of individuals displaying functions of Emotional Intelligence, the overall health of the organization thrives. Learn more about Emotional Intelligence, key attributes and frameworks to implement within your organization.
Unite Your Passion, Profession, and Purpose
If you’ve felt unclear about your path as a BRM, especially if you are new to business relationship management, you’ll find insightful encouragement here. I wouldn’t say that this is the journey of a BRM. Rather, this journey made a BRM. This journey was never just about me. It was about people, trust, and relationships. That’s the way forward, that’s the future, and that’s why BRMs exist.
A GivingTuesday Thank You Message – from the BRM Institute Team
As the end of the year approaches, people often find themselves reflecting. While 2020 certainly came with its unique set of challenges, gratitude brings perspective. The BRM Institute team is enormously grateful for all of you in the BRM community! Your passion for excellence, unique backgrounds, and tireless contributions continue to help the global BRM community thrive.
GivingTuesday: Unite with Millions Worldwide in Gratitude and Generosity
On this #GivingTuesday, BRM Institute encourages the world to give back to ensure Business Relationship Management’s association continues supporting the growing community of BRM professionals worldwide!
Cultivating Powerful Relationships: Build Partnering Relationships
To cultivate powerful relationships is to recognize all work relationships are inherently partnerships. Why? Because partnership implies equality. Your role is no less important than that of your counterpart. Your partners can range from executives to HR to people outside your organizations. Regardless of the role, with a compassionate mindset and purpose providing the context for your partnering relationship, you can help everyone thrive in your pursuit of shared goals.
Cultivating Powerful Relationships: Lead with Purpose
To affect the culture of an organization is to affect the relationships between people. Relationships are the true lever to evolving culture. It is not guesswork or random luck. It’s relationship management.
Cultivating Powerful Relationships: The 21st Century Case for Compassion
Compassion stems from our innate ability to empathize with other creatures. BRMs are natural compassion practitioners, BRMs exist to help others.
Cultivating Powerful Relationships: For People, a Greater Purpose, and to Preserve the Planet
The Relationship-Centered Organization optimizes the power of individuals and organizations to contribute to a common good. By empowering individual purpose and connecting people through partnering work relationships, organizations thrive to drive value long into the future.
How the BRM Mindset Prepared Me for C-Suite Leadership
Read on as Glenn shares his story, journey and more in the hope you will be inspired, challenged and encouraged to chase your dreams.
Relationshipism- The Theory for Our Connected World
Humankind was intended to rely upon one another for support and guidance; however, the ability to know how to establish authentic connections has been lost…until now. Relationshipism returns connection to humanity by bringing awareness to what really matters in life and business: relationships.
Meaningfully Connect to Your Global BRM Community by Giving Back
At its core, volunteerism is a selfless act of giving with no thought of what you receive in return. You are giving your time and energy to a cause or group of people to create a lasting, positive impact. However, there are many personal and professional benefits to volunteering. The birth of the single, global BRM community is a shining example of the possibilities created when a small group of driven individuals aim to improve the industry standards for the BRM role.
How Relationship-Centered Organizations will Shape the Fifth Industrial Revolution
An organization reaches top-level performance when its people feel empowered to pursue meaningful work connected by shared ownership of organizational values. BRM Institute organization membership provides world-renowned training, resources, and knowledge to help you cultivate meaningful professional relationships.
The Risky Business of Distributed Power
As BRMConnect Virtual 2020 ends today, Baziel Barends reminds you just how powerful you are as a BRM. “To take on this transition, the biggest risk is not taking it on at all. As BRMs and as leaders, we are at the forefront of this journey. Embrace these concepts of shared ownership, of infinite value, of Relationshipism.” -Baziel Barends
So, Your BRM Program Has Been Established….Now What?
Day Three of BRMConnect Virtual is off to a fantastic start with people tuning in from all around the globe! Stephanie Todd and her team of Los Angeles County, developed Four Stages of BRM Role Execution that you can adopt in your role today