BRM Philosophy

BRM as a Philosophy widens the lens on BRM and demonstrates that the strategic and tactical skills of BRMs have a broader use in the world at large. Notably, everything from breaking down silos to convergence of ideas can be applied in a bigger, philosophical sense. Ultimately, BRM focuses on the building and fostering of relationships to satisfy personal and organizational purpose.

People Platform

Relationships and the Rise of the People Platform


In the past, old hierarchies within business organizations traditionally viewed employees as a single, replaceable cog in an enormous machine; a means to an end. Value was placed solely on a predetermined business strategy to be achieved at the lowest possible cost. As a result, the cogs–meaning people–either fit into this strategy or not.

BRM Philosophy

Coming Full Circle with BRM as a Philosophy


The dawn of the 21st century shed its rosy glow on a new way of thinking. Workers began to realize that killing themselves for shareholders they’d never meet and a bottom line they’d never see just didn’t make sense. The term “value” began to take on a different meaning. Notably, value expanded from tangible goods and money to include intangibles such as happiness, health, vacation-time, and purpose.

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