Cultivating Powerful Relationships: Lead with Purpose

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To affect the culture of an organization is to affect the relationships between people. Relationships are the true lever to evolving culture. It is not guesswork or random luck. It’s relationship management.

Relationshipism- The Theory for Our Connected World

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Humankind was intended to rely upon one another for support and guidance; however, the ability to know how to establish authentic connections has been lost…until now. Relationshipism returns connection to humanity by bringing awareness to what really matters in life and business: relationships.

How to Strategically Propose Partner Solutions with Clarity

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Business Relationship Managers (BRMs) exist to help others. But what does ‘helping others’ look like? And is there a strategic method BRMs can apply to help solve any problem?
Luca Gambetti, Master Trainer and coach GTD® (Getting Things Done®) *, taught BRMConnect Virtual attendees how to execute on any outcome in any situation. The Natural Planning Model® offers a repeatable process to clarify what is in the mind of your business partner and immediately translate it into action.

Jeff Warren

How to Build Meaningful Relationships that Create Successful BRMs

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BRM is an art and science; the science is the tools, techniques, frameworks, and certifications. You have to have those things to be a successful BRM, but the art is applying BRM and that’s where you really make the difference.

Meaningfully Connect to Your Global BRM Community by Giving Back

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At its core, volunteerism is a selfless act of giving with no thought of what you receive in return. You are giving your time and energy to a cause or group of people to create a lasting, positive impact. However, there are many personal and professional benefits to volunteering. The birth of the single, global BRM community is a shining example of the possibilities created when a small group of driven individuals aim to improve the industry standards for the BRM role.

How Relationship-Centered Organizations will Shape the Fifth Industrial Revolution

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An organization reaches top-level performance when its people feel empowered to pursue meaningful work connected by shared ownership of organizational values. BRM Institute organization membership provides world-renowned training, resources, and knowledge to help you cultivate meaningful professional relationships.


Evolving Together at BRMConnect Virtual 2020

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On Monday, August 24th, 2020, over 400 BRMs from all across the globe poured into the colorful Welcome Area at BRMConnect Virtual 2020.

The Risky Business of Distributed Power

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As BRMConnect Virtual 2020 ends today, Baziel Barends reminds you just how powerful you are as a BRM. “To take on this transition, the biggest risk is not taking it on at all. As BRMs and as leaders, we are at the forefront of this journey. Embrace these concepts of shared ownership, of infinite value, of Relationshipism.” -Baziel Barends

An Evolution: When Passion Becomes Your Purpose

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Join Shubham and the single, global BRM community as he shares his process of discovering his true purpose by following what he is most passionate about in his career and in life: building trusted relationships.

So, Your BRM Program Has Been Established….Now What?

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Day Three of BRMConnect Virtual is off to a fantastic start with people tuning in from all around the globe! Stephanie Todd and her team of Los Angeles County, developed Four Stages of BRM Role Execution that you can adopt in your role today

Do You Speak CxO?

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Imagine this… You’re meeting with your organization’s leadership to share a new initiative you feel strongly about pursuing. You’ve prepared a polished presentation that highlights the value in this effort and the timeline for return-on-investment. Once you’ve finished, you feel it went really well! But… The c-suite doesn’t go for it. What’s more frustrating is you don’t even know exactly why your initiative was turned down. You’re not alone. Many BRMs have found themselves in this situation, including BRMConnect Virtual Storyteller, Darrel Popowich.

Announcing the 2020 Global BRM Community Excellence Award Winners


We are excited to announce this year’s Global Excellence Award Winners, the most prestigious awards in the BRM community. Recipients of this year’s awards were nominated by their peers for outstanding service to the BRM community. Please join us in celebrating them at the 2020 World BRMConnect Virtual Conference.

BRMConnect Virtual Day 1

How to Unite Your Team and Function within Your Organization

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Day one of BRMConnect Virtual’s week-long conference is underway and individuals from many different industries, functions, and countries are tuning in for knowledge, friends, and fun! Storyteller Kip Fanta closed out today’s “European” program as he shared his BRM knowledge with honesty and conviction.


Witness an Evolution at BRMConnect Virtual 2020

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Over the last several weeks, we’ve shared with you the Top 5 Reasons you can’t miss BRMConnect Virtual. Reason #5: Witness an Evolution!

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