How to Build Meaningful Relationships that Create Successful BRMs

InsiderPosted | Category: BRM Community, Professional Development | Contributed

Jeff Warren

It’s true everyone associated with business relationship management (BRM) knows relationship-building is a key component of progress. Despite knowing this, many organizations struggle with building deep, meaningful and long-lasting relationships with key partners and colleagues critical to BRM advancement.

Often times, BRMs keep a narrow view of who their real strategic partners are and who can help them accomplish greater achievements.

“BRM is an art and science; the science is the tools, techniques, frameworks, and certifications. You have to have those things to be a successful BRM, but the art is applying BRM and that’s where you really make the difference.”- Jeff Warren

In his BRMConnect Virtual session, Jeff Warren, President of Barkley Consulting, addresses these challenges and more. In a charming blend of humor and wisdom, Jeff brings you back to the true meaning of what relationships are. His session reminds you how BRMs do so much more than simply “manage” relationships and calls you to greater heights by grounding your practice in deep, meaningful relationships.


If you were unable to attend BRMConnect Virtual 2020, you can still access the valuable recorded sessions and live Q&A with BRMConnect On-Demand until September 30th.

This may be a brand-new way of experiencing a conference, so BRM Institute wants to make sure you have the tools to make your virtual experience the best it can be! 

Jeff Warren is President of Barkley Consulting Group, a Consulting Firm specializing in helping organizations build, execute, and evolve BRM programs and develop BRM professionals. He has spent over 15 years building and leading BRM programs that deliver real value and lasting success to his clients. Jeff is a frequent coach, guest lecturer, and speaker at industry workshops and conferences.

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