BRM Capability

business relationship management capability is everything it takes, both visible and invisible, to nurture relationships in an organization. Examples of visible components are meetings, artifacts, and professional development, while examples of invisible components are knowledge learned, experience gained, trust, and confidence-building. Used effectively, these components build the endless reserve of energy necessary to evolve culturebuild partnershipsdrive value, and satisfy purpose.

The business relationship management capability facilitates culture advancement, driving it to one of trust, creativity, innovation, authenticity, and shared ownership across the organization. A mature business relationship management capability converges cross-functional teams to create holistic strategies that deliver organizational value and meaningful results.

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The Role of BRMs in Transformation


When business partners have to consume services differently, they often have to modify their behavior from the manual way of doing business to automation. The Business Relationship Manager (BRM) plays a critical role in this transformation.

Influencing Without Power: A BRM Success Story


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BRMs: We Can Do Anything, but Not Everything


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From Cost to Value: Changing the IT Conversation, Part 1


BRMs have much to offer when it comes to strategy, but in order to get the word out to business partners, the conversation has to change from cost centers to value centers, a culture of output needs to turn into a culture of creativity, and IT needs to think like marketing.

IT Evolution: The Path to IT Maturity


IT is in a state of flux, which probably isn’t news to you. Business has grown progressively more technology-centric during the last few years, causing IT to shift from the periphery to the heart of the business. So what’s next?

The Meaning of Achieving ITSM Excellence


If it’s the responsibility of IT professionals to be fluent in the languages of both business and IT, why aren’t more business-IT professionals aware of ITSM elements?

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