Turning Your BRMs Into Digital Business Leaders: A Reflection
Overall, it was a great week at the BRM Connect conference in Charlotte. The BRMs in attendance showed great curiosity about the future and seizing the opportunity to build on the value they already create for their organizations, and I was incredibly impressed by the passion and engagement levels on display. Standing still is not […]
BRMConnect Charlotte: A Bird’s Eye View
I recently had the honor and privilege of hosting the annual BRMConnect conference in Charlotte. Going into the conference, I have to admit that I was not only excited, but a little nervous to take the reins from Vaughan Merlyn, last year’s event host—I knew I had big shoes to fill. I have such admiration for […]
Off to a Fast Start in 2016 with BRMConnect Charlotte
The dates for BRMConnect Charlotte 2016 were circled on my calendar for months before the conference. To say I was excited to attend the conference would be an understatement—being surrounded by peers, hearing great ideas, and listening to interesting presentations taps into a part of my brain that is often underutilized during the rest of […]
How Do You Present a Good IT Strategy? On One Page
I recently visited a large multinational to run an IT strategy development workshop. The company is a major global player in its industry and its technology landscape and IT services are no doubt similar to the competition, but outdated and no longer supporting the aspirations of senior management to grow and modernize the business.
Kickin’ off BRMConnect 2016 in Charlotte, North Carolina at the Charlotte Motor Speedway Club!
“This week marks the largest gathering of cross-industry Business Relationship Management experts and practicing Business Relationship Managers in the world to date, and we are ecstatic to introduce this amazing group to new tools, techniques, and strategies that they can put in practice once they get back to the office!” exclaimed Aaron Barnes, co-founder of […]
Announcing 2016 Global BRM Community Excellence Award Winners
Each year, the global BRM community recognizes individual and corporate commitment to the BRM capability through our Global BRM Community Excellence Awards. Fellow members of the global BRM community nominate winners of the Global BRM Community Excellence Awards. Congratulations to the following winners: 2016 Community Leadership Award For being a leader in the global BRM community, encouraging member engagement, and development of […]
Why CBRM®?
Why Should You Invest in the Certified Business Relationship Manager® Certification? When I began preparing the CBRM® guide for publishing, I had a moment to sit down and flip through the pages, and I thought back to my own BRM role. In particular, I reflected on how this material would have made a huge difference for my team and me, had it […]
Meet Marleen Lundy, Event Manager Extraordinaire
With officially less than a month to go until the first conference, we have been living, breathing, eating, and sleeping BRMConnect here at BRM Institute—so it makes sense that we wanted to learn more about one of the chief masterminds in charge of making it all happen, Marleen Lundy! An experienced event planner and dedicated […]
Superheroes in Disguise: The Heroic Side of BRM
by Shilo Nosyk As BRMs, we walk a fine line between the business and business functions like IT, HR, Finance, etc. On one hand, we have the knowledge of the inner workings of our business functions—we know the people, live the processes, see the potential, and know the weak spots. On the other hand, we also have […]
Measuring a Maestro: How to Really Assess a BRM Capability
You just have been asked to measure the performance of your company’s Business Relationship Management team. Your heart skips a beat; it’s not an easy task, and there is a lot at stake. This is because BRMs employ a unique skill set—each BRM is a maestro, orchestrating business relationships with great finesse in order to […]
The Connection Between Business Relationship Management and Lean-Agile
Over the past few weeks, I’ve spent some time thinking about how to effectively articulate the links between Business Relationship Management and Lean-Agile, which share a bond of purpose that defines, drives, and connects them. Understanding the links between both methodologies is critical, as it is both a value-add for you as a BRM, and […]
Dealing with Disruption Through Strategic IT Partnerships
As disruptive technology sweeps through the insurance industry and start-ups transform the competitive landscape, Baxter Thompson Associates’ Managing Director Jon Baxter explains how corporate companies can adapt to change with the help of strategic IT partnerships. While large organisations typically have an operational focus and change incrementally, the issue today is that disruptive change […]
Measure Your BRM to Change Your BRM
by Jeremy Byrne Now, no one really wants to blow their own trumpet, peacock feathers splayed, and go strutting up and down the workplace shouting about how great they are. However, sometimes this behaviour is necessary to measure your effectiveness and how well your function is performing—although you may want to keep the peacock feathers […]
Webinar Recordings
An archive of select recorded BRM webinars.
BRM Truth #10
Brought to you by BRM Institute and On Your Feet. Illustrated by Gary Hirsch. © 2016 Gary Hirsch. Published under license.
The Case for Business-Focused BRM Metrics
by Gerry Robinson Recently, while having a discussion with the Vice President of a large retailer’s enterprise applications, I asked him how he gauged the relationship with the business. What I expected was a complex answer, one that included a litany of intense measurements. He paused for a moment, and answered with one of the […]
Measuring the Effectiveness of Your BRM Capability…When You Don’t Have a Formal BRM Capability
The BRM’s Guide to Debbie Downers, Negative Nelsons, and Prima Donna Partners
by Bob Faw Here is a little-known fact: if you have the expectation that a person will be negative, that will show in your face, tone, and even in the words that you choose. Your bias will be evident, and in turn the person will react negatively to everything that you communicate, verbally and otherwise. This […]