Announcing the New Australian Community of Interest
BRM Institute is pleased to announce the newest Online Campus expansion: the Australian Community of Interest!
Is Your Business Function Positioned to Share Ownership and Become a Strategic Partner?
Learn how a BRM team can play a major role in helping your department transition to being a trusted strategic partner with business.
Shifting Your Mindset to Ensure Business Value
When it comes to realizing value, a good place to start is changing the way business approaches project delivery.
BRM Institute’s Top 10 Articles of 2016
This year, we published over 100 articles and reports dedicated to furthering the careers and organizational capabilities of thousands of BRMs worldwide. Here you will find the top 10 most popular articles of 2016.
BRM Institute Is Proud to Announce the Launch of Our New Career Center!
Job seekers, let opportunity find you even when you’re not looking. Employers, your next new hire is just a couple of clicks away.
Bringing Teams Together in Times of Discord
Considering the complexities that teams face in the modern workplace, it’s common to experience discord from time to time. The challenge lies in turning discord into an advantage—a launch pad for improved team cohesion.
From Cost to Value: Changing the IT Conversation, Part 2
Let’s assume you’ve already made your case for the value of IT within corporate strategy. It’s time to think about IT transformation from a project perspective: measuring value and communicating it back out.
Influencing Without Power: A BRM Success Story
How can BRMs influence without direct reporting lines or structural power? It takes trust over manipulation, and above all else, you have to have presence.
BRMs: We Can Do Anything, but Not Everything
Few things remain constant in the business environment, with the exception of resources and capital. However, these things aren’t necessarily unique to IT—so why is there frustration when IT fails to do everything asked of them, and how do we challenge this?
Announcing Our 2017 Global Community Events
As the new year quickly approaches, we are proud to announce the 2017 Events Calendar. We’ve expanded our BRMConnect events to include one-day forums targeted to action learning! Do you need to spend your 2016 budget money before the year ends? Now is your chance to spend and save at the same time!
BRM Communication: The Right Tool for the Job
Many BRMs are part of global organizations in which face-to-face communication is not always an option. Learn how to capture your audience’s attention, develop relationships with the C-suite, and use the distance to your advantage.
From Cost to Value: Changing the IT Conversation, Part 1
BRMs have much to offer when it comes to strategy, but in order to get the word out to business partners, the conversation has to change from cost centers to value centers, a culture of output needs to turn into a culture of creativity, and IT needs to think like marketing.
Ensuring Business Value Through BRM
As BRM professionals, we are responsible for helping our organizations deliver business value. But what does business value really mean, and what role can the BRM play in achieving it?
Convergence Culture is Key to Business Success
Convergence culture allows organizations to be more efficient when meeting demands, building strategy, and sharing ownership of results.
Your BRM Capability’s Success Hinges on the Support of Leadership
When it comes to articulating the value of BRM in your organization, it’s not how well you do it—it’s how well an executive can explain it when you’re not in the room.
IT Evolution: The Path to IT Maturity
IT is in a state of flux, which probably isn’t news to you. Business has grown progressively more technology-centric during the last few years, causing IT to shift from the periphery to the heart of the business. So what’s next?
The Meaning of Achieving ITSM Excellence
If it’s the responsibility of IT professionals to be fluent in the languages of both business and IT, why aren’t more business-IT professionals aware of ITSM elements?
6 Tips for New BRMs to Guide Your Career and Capability
Two of the most common questions new BRMs ask are “Where do I begin?” and “What should I do first?” These six tips can help guide your career and capability as you move forward.