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BRM Knowledge Path | Continuing Professional Development
4 Quick Steps to Get Your Development Dollars Approved
The question on every BRM’s mind right now is, “How do I get my training approved when the expense budget is being cut?” The answer: become the investment.
New to BRM? The Essential Tips, Tricks, and Tools You Should Know
Starting a new BRM function can be a daunting—though exciting—prospect. If you’re a new BRM, the first question you may be asking yourself is, “Where do I even start?”
Relationships That Matter to the BRM
It’s no secret that the “R” in BRM stands for “relationship”—but relationships between whom? Learn about the relationships that should matter the most to a successful BRM.
The Bystander Effect: Can BRMs Intervene?
The more bystanders there are watching a situation unfold, the less likely anyone is to step up and take action. Psychologists call this the Bystander Effect—but how does it affect BRMs, and what can you do about it?
BRM as a Change Agent
Successful BRMs are synonymous with successful change agents, which requires these three critical qualities.
Creating Value Through Technology Strategy
Mike Bowden of the Leading Edge Forum discusses how BRMs can define a technology strategy that creates real value for the enterprise.
Moving Beyond the Toolbox: A Post-BRMP and CBRM Reflection
Do you have a brand-new BRM capability? Is your organization low on the BRM Maturity Model? Learn how pairing the BRMP and CBRM courses can transform the way your BRM team thinks.
BRM Council Corner: Bringing Your BRM Skills to the Budgeting Process
When you’re asked to step outside of your comfort zone, it makes sense to feel uncertain, especially in times of change. Learn how your BRM skills can take you further than you realize.
From Budgets to Business Cases
Budgeting season may be a busy time for BRMs, but that doesn’t mean you shouldn’t use this time to shape demand and build your business case.
The Game Plan: Strategic BRMs Focusing on Optimizing Value
BRMs often spend most of their time looking at their business function’s game plans, otherwise known as those long-term strategies to achieving success. But what about their own game plans?
APMG-International’s Update on the CBRM® Certification
Thinking of getting your CBRM certification? In this article, APMG-International discusses how you can get started on the next step of your career—and maybe even become a trainer.
Your Organization Isn’t Unique. Here’s What Is.
Just like animals, there are different “species” of organizations that have evolved, making various adaptations now evident. Learn what exactly sets you apart in your organization.
BRMs Are the Answer, Programs Need Not Apply
Is your organization experiencing dysfunction? Don’t turn to programs or frameworks for the solution—turn to BRMs.
SWOTs: A Strategic BRM’s Go-To Tool
President and CEO of BRM Institute Aaron Barnes shares a valuable tool for any BRM hoping to think strategically.
BRM Challenges in Shaping Demand
Shaping demand involves a little bit sales skills, a little bit of influencing, and a big splash of corporate/ICT strategy and data. As if that doesn’t sound complex enough, the BRM’s ability to shape demand will also be either enhanced or hampered by BRM maturity.
Strategic Partner Considerations: Delivering Value to the Business
Introduction A common scenario when engaging with business partners is that demand tends to be driven purely from their perspective, which is neither unreasonable nor entirely unexpected. Typically, these demands entail fixes to systems that alleviate a productivity issue in one small part of the business, without taking a broader, more benefit-driven perspective into account […]
An Engaged Business Sponsor is a Powerful Partner
Recently, a new BRM Institute Online Campus friend, Ruggero Nocerino, quoted Machiavelli in a post: “Nothing is more difficult to plan, more doubtful to happen, or more dangerous to manage than the creation of a new system, for the one who proposes it produces the enmity of those who have profit to preserve the ancient […]
Why CBRM®?
Why Should You Invest in the Certified Business Relationship Manager® Certification? When I began preparing the CBRM® guide for publishing, I had a moment to sit down and flip through the pages, and I thought back to my own BRM role. In particular, I reflected on how this material would have made a huge difference for my team and me, had it […]