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Engage at BRMConnect
Spend one-on-one time with coaches and exhibitors as they showcase new tools and exciting advancements within the BRM profession.
Cutting Through the Noise: Leveraging Podcasts to Promote Your Organization
As more companies adopt this blog approach their effectiveness diminishes. Enter an even more powerful and novel tool: podcasts. Podcasts have experienced tremendous growth as of late with a monthly listener base reaching 73 million in May of this year.
Be Inspired, Learn, Engage, Achieve, Impress, Connect, Make an Impact and so Much More at BRMConnect!
We are giving you TEN compelling reasons to join us at our World BRMConnect Conference October 1-3, 2018 in San Diego, California!
Business Reputation Management – A Delicate, Yet Powerful Game
Reputation management is essential for all organizations, no matter their size. But the approach to reputation management may not be uniform across the board. While it must be built on the vision statement, the manner in which the goal is achieved varies.
#IAmBRM: Chris McCluskey
With the World BRMConnect conference quickly approaching, we interviewed another #BRMLegend. BRMs work in a variety of both public and private industries across the globe. This highlights not only the widespread need for the Business Relationship Management (BRM) capability but also the adaptability of the role. Congratulations to CBRM® Chris McCluskey, this week’s #IAmBRM, who shares his perspective on the Business Relationship Management role in a government setting.
Announcing New Regional Ambassador to India
As a Regional Ambassador to India, Avinash aims to promulgate Business Relationship Management discipline in one of the leading IT Hubs of the world; India. He will leverage the existing Fox IT customer base, BRM community, CXO community, relevant industry associations and partners to expand BRM’s awareness and adoption.
Journey of BRM: Purdue Part 1
Introducing BRM in an operational-focused organization can be viewed as overhead or duplication of effort. As I began to develop this program, it was apparent that I needed to create a new level of transparency around the work. If the BRM program was going to show value, even at an early, tactical stage, we were going to have to provide metrics.
How to Build Trust: Managing Relationships:
Building that trust is essential in building the foundation for long-term strategic partnerships. Developing these relationships takes time and commitment but the value of the effort is enormous.
CULTURE | Why It Concerns You
So I think empathy, honesty, integrity, transparency…that these are the BEHAVIORS that evoke a sense of SAFETY promoting TRUST promoting RELATIONSHIPS to achieve share PURPOSE. That these are the BEHAVIORS that need to be weaved into a CULTURE OF TRUST.
Driving Business Value: A New CoI
This Community of Interest helps BRMs guide their organizations down a value-focused path. Today, many organizations fall short of their goals due to a misalignment between value and strategy. Senior leadership becomes frustrated when they fail to optimize delivered value.
#IAmBRM: Lynn Borders
This week, we interviewed another standout individual among the Business Relationship Management (BRM) community. When asked what #IAmBRM means to her, Lynn emphasized the importance of spreading the message of BRM and her belief in the positive impact BRM brings to organizations. Lynn looks to BRMConnect experiences for support in overcoming the challenges faced by herself and her BRM team.
Is Information Technology an Outdated Title?
The BRM Institute Online Campus (the best place to go for relevant discussions of Business Relationship Management worldwide) recently hosted a spirited conversation inspired by a question from one of Business Relationship Management (BRM) Institute’s members.
BRM Ethics Committee Launches Survey
The BRM Code of Ethics is an extension of the BRM Institute’s values and is a foundation for BRM’s long-term success. This committee is working to create and maintain a standard BRM Code of Ethics for the single global BRM community.
#IAmBRM: Jana McDonald
Over the past few months, we’ve interviewed individuals from the global Business Relationship Management community who stand out as extraordinary BRMs. Collecting these stories is part of our preparation for the World BRMConnect Conference in October. This week’s #IAmBRM spotlight lands on Jana McDonald for the value she brings to everyone at Texas A&M University.
Industry 4.0 Increases the Need for Business Relationship Management
The Industry 4.0 (I4.0) digital revolution is transforming our world and industries. More than ever, CIO’s need to lead the way as businesses grow ever more technological. They need to think offensively about producing value and changes in growth and performance. Leaders that perceive IT as a necessary order-taking center (to be managed as cheaply as possible) make themselves and their organizations obsolete faster than ever.
Value-focused at BRMConnect in Portland
Understanding our personal purpose, business purpose, and social impact moves us from cogs in a wheel to master horologists.
BRM Pins: Community Everywhere You Go!
Wanting to foster a similar pride and connection among BRM leaders worldwide, he proposed BRM’s own line of pins. In 2015, at the World BRMConnect conference in Portland, the first BRM Institute pin debuted.
World BRMConnect Conference Agenda 2018
Join BRM Institute for a three-day networking and learning event in beautiful San Diego, California (October 1-3 at Paradise Point Resort and Spa). The World BRMConnect Conference is the perfect opportunity to refocus on the five key elements to further your BRM capability and role.