Business Reputation Management – A Delicate, Yet Powerful Game

Posted | Category: BRM Capability, BRM Community, Professional Development | Contributed

Reputation management is essential for all organizations, no matter their size. But the approach to reputation management may not be uniform across the board. While it must be built on the vision statement, the manner in which the goal is achieved varies. The path will differ based on the audience, on who is researching the company, and its reputation overall. Every relationship is unique and needs fostering to prosper.

Have a Guiding Light

Leaders in any organization, no matter the size, need to establish early what the goal is from a reputation management perspective. When someone thinks of your organization, what impressions come to mind immediately? For example, are you known for work and life balance or top-tier benefits? You cannot be the greatest at everything, so you want to find what you want to be the best at and exploit it, build a reputation around it.

Work with a Set of Personas

Work with strategic personas to guide different groups/people to understand and grasp the reputation of your organization. When managing the reputation of an organization, build out what a new hire will think about, what the next generation of workers considers valuable, etc. Evaluate their needs, wants, and career aspirations. Manage relationships by tailoring to each persona’s attributes. Managing each relationship uniquely will help nail the end-game and a favorable business reputation overall.

Be Consistent

The strategy behind reputation management is a powerful one, but it is also delicate. Developing a unifying vision that everyone can rally around is critical. Whether you have a Business Relationship Manager, a Project Manager or an Information Technology Strategist in your company, they should understand your company’s reputation in a consistent manner. They can then utilize personas to drive their understanding of that reputation, all while pulling everyone closer to that unified vision.  

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