The Birth of the Single Global BRM Community

InsiderPosted | Category: BRM Community, BRM Philosophy, Professional Development | Contributed

In the 20th Century, computers were invented and information technology (IT) business functions were born. This launched the first of many technological advancements that would fundamentally change the landscape of organizational operation on a global scale.

Beginning in the ‘70s, and throughout the next 20 years, IT showed up as an order-taker and a service provider, operating as a siloed function in the “basements of businesses” worldwide. The same has historically been true of other shared and internal service functions such as Finance, HR, Operations, etc.  

Small Beginnings, Big Impact

Fast forward to 2011, where we find a small group of like-minded individuals with vast professional backgrounds and experiences. Each of these savvy professionals asked themselves and one another the same question, 

How does IT and other shared or internal service providers get closer to business?” 

This question launched a small group of individuals globally and independently as pioneers to solve this most pressing organizational problem.

Connected by nothing more than the Professional Business Relationship Managers LinkedIn group, these individuals recognized the uphill battle before them; for decades, organizations were formed with departmental silos separating shared or internal service providers. 

In order to eliminate this value-depleting silo mentality, and ultimately convince organizations this mode-of-operation lacks infinite value and future vision, these “pioneers” desperately needed more authority, credibility, and recognition behind their movement.

A Community of World-Changers

Due to the recognizable value of this movement, a genuine birth of a community resulted from the initially small group of professionals. As the Business Relationship Management (BRM) community continued grow, there was an organic request to establish recognition of the BRM role through standardization and accreditation. Ultimately, this brought to life a single, global BRM community where members could network with, learn from, and support one another.

Founded as a non-profit organization on February 11th, 2013, Business Relationship Management (BRM) Institute proudly dedicated itself to helping organizations grow their BRM capability to drive organizational strategy, strengthen cross-functional collaboration, and champion a culture of creativity, innovation, and shared ownership across the enterprise. 

Our Shared Purpose

To improve ourselves, our organizations, and our world by connecting relationships to results.

What we believe

We believe there is limitless organizational energy derived from a culture of great relationships – we believe that people should not compromise personal purpose to earn a living and can find organizations with a shared, deeper, and more meaningful perception of value – we believe that such organizations are relationship-centered and can be better, faster, more fun and more fulfilling to work with. We know an advanced Business Relationship Management Capability (BRM) brings all this to life.

Our Mantra

Better relationships, better world.

Our Vision

BRM unlocks an organization’s ability to thrive and bring about meaningful, lasting change.

Our Mission

Anchor BRM in every organization as a fundamental necessity.

Through the continued exploration of BRM as a philosophy, the power of all relationships within an organization and their ability to drive value and satisfy purpose is a primary focus for BRM Institute.

Business Relationship Management as a philosophy, capability, role, and discipline provides the opportunity to radically transform the world through authentic relationships. For this reason, BRM Institute’s mission is to anchor BRM in every organization as a fundamental necessity . As a community, we eagerly look forward to being a global participant and advocate for real and lasting change. 

Evolve culture, build partnerships, drive value; satisfy purpose.

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