BRM Capability
A business relationship management capability is everything it takes, both visible and invisible, to nurture relationships in an organization. Examples of visible components are meetings, artifacts, and professional development, while examples of invisible components are knowledge learned, experience gained, trust, and confidence-building. Used effectively, these components build the endless reserve of energy necessary to evolve culture, build partnerships, drive value, and satisfy purpose.
The business relationship management capability facilitates culture advancement, driving it to one of trust, creativity, innovation, authenticity, and shared ownership across the organization. A mature business relationship management capability converges cross-functional teams to create holistic strategies that deliver organizational value and meaningful results.
Click here to learn more on: BRM Capability Defined | BRM Capability Success
The Four Requirements of Partnership
Whenever I write or speak about the nature of the BRM role, I often draw parallels between what an effective BRM and a leader does using John C. Maxwell‘s succinct formula: “Leadership is influence. That’s it. Nothing more; nothing less.” Indeed, BRMs, whose job is to establish and maintain healthy balanced relationships between service providers […]
Starting a BRM Team
So you have been lucky enough to be selected to build a new team. You might not know what the team name is, what the roles of the team are, you might not even know your own title. All you know is you have been hired or promoted to build a team to align the […]
BRM Role and Service: ITIL Dyad Revisited
ITIL’s approach to the Business Relationship Management role and, especially, the practical applicability of the corresponding BRM process has been a topic of lively debate among Business Relationship Managers. The BRM Institute’s position on this has been that, while ITIL provides a solid framework for establishing the BRM role and taking it through the initial […]
Consulting Tips for Business Relationship Managers – Part 1
This will be the first in a occasional series of posts on consulting tips for Business Relationship Managers (BRMs). BRMs Are Consultants – Like it or Not! I’ve learned over the years that some BRMs do not like being told that among other things, they are: Consultants Salespeople As one that has over 30 years […]
Strong Relationships Begin with Strong Communications
We learn a great deal about relationship management from our work and the people we work with. If our eyes and ears are open, we can also learn a lot from our personal lives. I’ve just returned from a short scuba diving vacation where one of the fundamental disciplines of Business Relationship Management was reinforced […]
What Does Success in Your Business Relationship Management Role Look Like?
Those who’ve tried it know, the BRM role is tough! BRMs are torn between: Conflicting forces of strategic, longer-term thinking and the more tactical short-term demands Insatiable business demand and limited supply Two ‘bosses’ — one from the business side and one from the supply side (usually the CIO when the supply side is the IT […]
How Many Business Relationship Managers Should You Have?
A question that surfaces often is: “How many Business Relationship Managers should we have?” It’s an important question, but one that needs contextual clarity to answer meaningfully. Some of the key variables include: How are you defining the BRM role? How large is the organization the BRMs are supporting? What is the level of business […]