Are You Doing Meaningful Work?

InsiderPosted | Category: BRM Capability, BRMConnect Virtual, Professional Development | Contributed


Are you looking for a new, challenging way to make a difference in the lives of influential leaders? Sharing your knowledge and experience through the power of story can help edify, equip, and unite the global BRM community. BRM Institute is actively looking for Storytellers to present at the upcoming 2021 World BRMConnect Conference!  

Feeling on the fence about being a speaker? Listen as Baziel Barends, a previous BRMConnect Storyteller, talks  briefly about the impact of doing meaningful work.

“A few years ago, I would never have thought of myself as a speaker at a global conference. However, my involvement as a volunteer at BRM Institute and the warmth of the BRM community inspired me to take a chance and do this. I’ve realised that part of pursuing a purpose-filled career is facing one’s fears and not settling for the comfort zone or rut that often comes with a job that does not inspire.

Storytelling at BRM Connect gave me the opportunity to take this chance, to share some of my perspectives around intrinsic motivation, leadership-as-practice, power and shared ownership. I knew I was passionate about the subject matter, but I did not quite know the story I wanted to tell until it all came together shortly before the conference. Our lives are collections of stories and this speaking opportunity allowed me to understand an important part of my working journey and to convey that to others in 25 minutes.

It has been an important building block in the work I have done since then and has shown me how powerful understanding and telling part of one’s story can be in building a more meaningful career. Lastly, the most fulfilling aspect was receiving feedback from like-minded peers that they were inspired by the story. I realised that understanding our individual stories can enrich our lives tremendously, but is most valuable when the stories we tell enrich those around us. It was a rare privilege to be a Storyteller at the World BRMConnect Conference.” – Baziel Barends, CBRM, BRMConnect Storyteller, BRM Institute Board Director

What’s in it for you?

Read on and find out what other BRMConnect Storytellers say about giving their time, knowledge, and energy as a storyteller has meant to them.


“Volunteering has always been about giving and receiving. It’s asking, how can I give my time and skills to help move a piece forward? That’s the impact of volunteerism. If we work together, those individual pieces can become something bigger; it creates the potential for enormous impact. Volunteerism has had an impact on my entire life. Growing up, I was active in 4-H, a community youth program, where volunteer work of parents and others ensured that youth (including myself) had access to many life skill development opportunities. When I found BRM Institute, I immediately recognized an environment that provides rich opportunities for volunteering. The question wasn’t about if I would volunteer, but where and how. At the end of the day, I have been receiving dividends. It’s been about stretching myself, tackling new challenges, creating a network and being a part of something bigger that is creating an impact.”– Leanne McGiveron, CBRM, BRMConnect Storyteller

“One way to expand your network is to give your time. To volunteer and to mentor others. By giving back, you receive. You sharpen your knowledge by learning from others and you find mentors. Look for opportunities to give your time to others and volunteer. In my experience, the return will surprise you.” Glenn Remoreras, BRMP, BRMConnect Keynote Speaker, BRM Institute Board Director

Curious about who else has been a BRMConnect Storyteller?

Read up on what the technology leadership team from Nestlé Switzerland shared during last year’s virtual conference as the closing keynote speaker!


What do BRMConnect Attendees Have to Say? 

“The BRMConnect Conference was a great networking event and an opportunity to hear from executives across the world as to how they have successfully implemented a BRM program within their organization. In fact, I have remained in contact with several of the conference attendees and view them as trusted partners.” ­ Annette Nirode, CBRM, 2019 Top BRM

Do you have a passion for sharing knowledge with others? Are you a leader looking to make a global-scale impact? Then being a BRMConnect Storyteller may be for you! Take a look at the submission form to get an idea what kinds of topics you might present on.

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