Relationshipism Identifies Recognized Value Through BRM

In today’s organization, Business Relationship Managers exemplify leaders in relationship-building and soft skill application. As opposed to solely tangible value (i.e. profit), a BRM capability also provides invaluable benefit to both employees and their organization by promoting intangible value.
Since it can be difficult to understand the benefits of intangible value, one question commonly heard by BRMs is:
“How does Business Relationship Management (BRM) and ultimately, Relationshipism, identify recognized value for an organization?”
Business Runs on People
First and foremost, BRMs recognize that an organization is comprised of individual employees, also known as people. Gone are the days when people were treated as mere cogs in the machine of the organization. Today’s competitive organizations provide value, in part, by empowering their workforce.
Therefore, in order to recognize value across the organization, the individual must first recognize their own contributions as a BRM through their relationships.
This theory of management is called Relationshipism.
For Individual BRMs
According to Forbes, individual employees seek fulfillment in purposeful and meaningful work. Through finding meaning in their work, an individual will recognize that they are contributing to an organization that supports them and recognizes their contributions.
Furthermore, the practice of Relationshipism promotes this concept of individual value by empowering the BRM to increase their self-awareness via partnerships that drive value for all parties.
This increase in self-awareness, gained through training and certification, equips BRMs with all the skills and capabilities necessary to identify what gives them purpose in their work.
Ultimately, recognizing how each individual relationship promotes value will empower the BRM-enabled organization to greater heights.
How to Communicate BRM Value to your Organization
Undoubtedly, C-level executives want to drive value at the highest possible level. And we’ve already learned how Relationshipism promotes value for the organization by focusing on its individual employees.
Thus, organizational leaders who desire a greater understanding of how to leverage the BRM Philosophy can identify their recognized value by Becoming a Value-Focused Organization. This assessment defines the BRM’s path to driving value through a mentality of shared ownership of strategy across the organization.
Key Takeaway: The organization ultimately achieves shared ownership through applying Relationshipism at the individual level (as described above) which is then scaled up to every single relationship in the business.
When communicating the value of Relationshipism, the individual BRM promotes the BRM Philosophy as the means to evolve an organization’s culture. Thus, an evolved culture leads to shared ownership of strategy and purpose. Ultimately, this unifies purpose and recognized value across individuals, teams, and the organization as a whole.
Relationshipism Tip
Once the organization converges upon a BRM capability, the BRM practice can continuously improve by workshopping both tangible and intangible values. Keep track of the impact of these values through BRM Metrics.
Finally, by applying these metrics, the BRM can effectively communicate to the world the value-driving impact of Relationshipism on their organization.
Apply BRM through Relationshipism
If the business relationship manager evolves culture, builds partnerships, and drives value through promoting BRM as a philosophy, then Relationshipism is the management theory that brings it all together.
Applying Relationshipism means implementing the BRM capability and BRM discipline to build valuable relationships across functions. A BRM then leverages these purpose-driven relationships to increase shared ownership across the organization.
Finally, the organization can promote BRM as a philosophy to evolve its culture into one where everyone mutually works towards, and agrees upon, the same core values.
BRMs have practiced Relationshipism from the beginning by promoting relationships as the hinge on which business operates. Through this, the intangible benefits gained through individual happiness and purpose lead to additional tangible value like increased productivity and an improved bottom line.
Learn more here about the BRM Values that drive Relationshipism to evolve your organization today.
The Value Discussion shows how the Business works in real life in a proper way! Congraulations