Your Thoughts Advance the Single Global BRM Community – We Are Listening

It’s an invaluable skill you’ve no doubt heard a lot about recently, and is a core skill for any effective BRM.
As the human race progresses further into the Fourth Industrial Revolution, driven by technological advancements, it’s is more critical than ever we listen to one another so as not to lose our humanity.
Humankind was intended to rely upon one another for support and guidance. Today, the economy is still predicated on the ideals of consumerism, which sacrifices well-being in pursuit of maximizing profit. Global increases in stress, anxiety, and disconnection in the digital age drove people to recognize the need to return to our mutual reliance.
Consequently, the world experienced massive evolutions in the areas of improved trust, deeper connection, and authentic relationships. In direct contrast with Fordism and Taylorism, Relationshipism drives positive movement by recognizing human potential and empowering the individual within organizations. Through Relationshipism, we find happiness and connection by returning to a celebration of the very things that connects us all – our human nature.
How does BRM Institute add value to you?
An integral part of BRM Institute’s mission is to provide a home for professionals like you who leverage the global BRM community and BRM standards to satisfy purpose, evolve culture, build partnerships, and drive value.
For that reason, we encourage you to contact BRM Institute with any insights, questions, stories, experiences, or anything else you feel would provide value to yourself and others.