Now-to-New: How BRM Can Innovate Organizational Change

InsiderPosted | Category: BRM Capability, BRM Philosophy, BRMConnect | Contributed

Change is a constant companion in the ever-present quest for driving value.

As BRMs, we know that we will always be flexible and available to pivot when necessary. We also know that since our quest to harness value is never-ending, we will always be in the flux of change, and we will always have a static “now” which will evolve into “new” when changes are implemented…which is a cycle that will always continue.

The word transformation doesn’t quite encompass the vastness of the process, so this session introduces the term, “Now to New.”

Think of it as a red bucket of NOW paint being mixed with a yellow bucket of NOW paint, and they form a NEW color of orange…which is a new color composed of existing colors, and on an existing canvas.

Addressing the power of metaphors and told in three entertaining and relevant stories, these three myths about change are addressed in this session:

  • Change is a journey.

  • Change is made from the top down.

  • Culture prevents change.

Change comes from highly influential people. What makes them influential? One important reason they are influential is that they model behavior that others want to imitate.

 To learn more about becoming highly influential, and about the NOW TO NEW theory, watch this timely and relevant session.

If you love what you learn here, give it a shoutout on social media with the hashtag #NowtoNew and/or #BRMConnect.

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Learn about your storytellers
Roy Youngman

Roy   Roy is a creative and energetic problem solver, strategist, and innovative thinker. Throughout his long career as both a management consultant, enterprise architect, and technology officer, he has built and run capabilities like business relationship management, knowledge management, and project portfolio management. He has an exceptional background with building value-add systems, both in terms of the technology they require and the human changes required to use them effectively. At BRM Institute, Roy is the architect of the BRM Body of Knowledge and researcher and author of several cornerstone articles of BRM-related knowledge. He wrote “The Infinite Value Potential of Relationship-Centered Organizations” document that lays out the Theory of Relationshipism. He compiled the “Now-to-New” set of articles which make a case for the BRM Capability to be a cornerstone of every organization. As a key member of the BRM Institute Knowledge Team, Roy has written or had a hand in the development and enhancement of many other articles throughout the BRM Body of Knowledge.

Jon Horwath

   An influential IT Director, Business Relationship Manager (CBRM), & SAFe® Program Consultant, Jon is deeply involved with the Space and Defense sectors of Parsons. With a broad technical background, strategic planning experience, organizational change management, coaching, and a passion for DevSecOps he has been instrumental in converging BRM demand management and Agile Development. Before Jon’s journey in the corporate world, he served in the US Army and US Army Reserves for 23 years. He attributes much of his success in the corporate world to this invaluable experience. It’s also helped him become the animated storyteller he is today.

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