Our Mission
Anchor BRM in every organization as a fundamental necessity.
Our Vision
BRM unlocks an organization’s ability to thrive and bring about meaningful, lasting change.
What we believe
We believe there is limitless organizational energy derived from a culture of great relationships – we believe that people should not compromise personal purpose to earn a living and can find organizations with a shared, deeper, and more meaningful perception of value – we believe that such organizations are relationship-centered and can be better, faster, more fun and more fulfilling to work with. We know an advanced Business Relationship Management Capability (BRM) brings all this to life.
Our Shared Purpose
To improve ourselves, our organizations, and our world by connecting relationships to results.
About BRM Institute
Incorporated as a nonprofit corporation in February 2013, BRM Institute provides world-class professional membership and development programs to advance the art and discipline of business relationship management worldwide. BRM Institute helps organizations grow their BRM capability to drive business strategy, strengthen cross-functional collaboration, and champion a culture of creativity, innovation, and shared ownership across the enterprise. This transformation results in holistic and innovative strategies created to deliver their intended business value results.
BRM Institute Professional membership provides you with exclusive access to an extensive range of programs, tools, and networking opportunities to support you as you make your mark on the BRM profession and expand your leadership capabilities.
Additionally, BRM Institute provides education, training, and certification programs of the highest caliber for both aspiring and seasoned BRMs, developed by expert BRM practitioners and trainers. A comprehensive foundation for Business Relationship Managers at each level of experience is provided through our Business Relationship Management Professional (BRMP®) professional training and certification program, while our newest Certified Business Relationship Manager (CBRM®) program addresses the needs of intermediate-to-advanced BRM professionals worldwide.
BRM Institute is proud to be the go-to source of the latest knowledge, leading practices, and opportunities for information-sharing among practitioners in the field.
When our beliefs, purpose and vision turn into action – The Triple Bottom Line
As organizations decide how they will individually make a meaningful difference in the world, we like to think of that within the Triple Bottom Line of people, purpose, planet:
- Organizations exist to benefit not only shareholders but their employees, the communities where they reside, and the customers they partner with, and are measured on their meaningful positive impact on the people of our world
- Organizations have advanced BRM to unleash the passionate purpose of individuals unlocking infinite value potential that builds enduring organizational strength
- The relationships between individuals and within organizations facilitates the planet’s return to a healthy balance with a promising outlook for its future