Value Focused Organization: A BRM Institute Volunteer Working Group

BRM Institute’s working group, Value Focused Organization, is putting its efforts toward standardizing and validating the importance of value recognition within an organization. As one of the BRM Core Disciplines, the new value framework aims to track progress, identify ways of increasing value from strategic partnership between business and its business functions, and initiates feedback that triggers continuous improvement cycles.
The following individuals are spearheading the Value-Focused Organization working group to build BRM standards that satisfy the global need to recognize value:
• Liz Schellenger
• Peter Lijnse
• Leanne McGiveron
• Donna Anderson
• Terry Krafthefer
• Peter Nichol
• Tami Duggan
• Derek Storbakken
• Mart Rovers
Stay tuned! We are working diligently to bring you more content on discovering, measuring, driving, articulating, and communicating value within your organization!