The Three Kinds of BRM and Why You Need Them All

Posted | Category: BRM Capability | Contributed

In this digital age, we live in a world full of acronyms. The same acronym can mean a variety of different things to different people, and the letters BRM are no exception.

The difference, however, is that all three kinds of BRM work together to reach convergence and strategic partnership.

In this article, BRM refers to the following three concepts and disciplines:

  • Business Relationship Management
  • Benefits Realization Management
  • Behaviour Really Matters

Let me explain.

Business Relationship Management

Successful organizations focus on the convergence between the business and IT to achieve the optimum value of enabling technologies. To accomplish this, the Business Relationship Management capability is required.

In order to make the best use of its technology, the organization needs to focus on business relationships. A great business relationship between different functions makes it easier to talk about the value of technology and the strategy the business wants to accomplish.

Successful organizations focus on the convergence between the business and IT to achieve the optimum value of enabling technologies.

Strong business relationships also drive shared accountability within the business and provider functions for risks and rewards.

Benefits Realization Management

Benefits Realization Management is another word for Value Management, which is a concept that focuses the organization on looking for value. Value occurs at the start of an idea, but more importantly, it exists after project implementation. This phase ensures that the business is not only using the technology correctly, but optimizing its use to achieve value.

The two BRMs are more interlinked than just sharing the same acronym. We’ve already established the necessity of the BRM capability. So if we want Business Relationship Management (BRM) to support and achieve BRM (Benefits Realization Management), how do we get there?

Behaviour Really Matters

This is where the third BRM comes into play: Behaviour Really Matters. Both the business and the provider will need to change their behaviour in order to develop and nurture the strategic partnership.

Both the business and the provider will need to change their behaviour in order to develop and nurture the strategic partnership.

In fact, convergence to strategic partnership requires a change in behaviour.

The link between the three is clear: we need BRM (Business Relationship Management) to achieve a clear Value Management approach (or in other words, Benefits Realization Management), with a specific focus on changing and improving behaviour (Behaviour Really Matters).

For more information on how to improve any of these BRMs, please contact Instrumental BRM.

Peter Lijnse is an experienced Business Relationship Management (BRM) executive coach and trainer. He helps organizations develop BRM capabilities and coaches executives on how to get the most of their BRM capability. Over the years, Peter has worked in various industries and is a sought-after speaker on Business Relationship Management. Peter has been involved with BRM Institute as an advisor and a member of the knowledge management team since the summer of 2013, and he received the Trailblazer Award from BRM Institute in 2015 and 2016.

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