How Relationship-Centered Organizations will Shape the Fifth Industrial Revolution

One must know their own history to better understand where they are going.
Organizations have shaped human history and directly affected the story of the planet. Thus, to best understand where organizations are going in the future, it is necessary to first understand the past. In the recent 300 years, that history has been greatly impacted by the Industrial Revolutions.
- The First Industrial Revolution introduced steam-powered technology and mechanized tools. With this, people became more efficient and productive.
- The Second Industrial Revolution created mass production for mass consumption, while assuming a planet that will provide infinite resources.
- The Third Industrial Revolution focused on optimizing machine-efficiencies while being driven by a profit-mentality.
With the advent of the Fourth Industrial Revolution, new technologies like artificial intelligence, the Internet of Things, and Big Data emerged. Technology could now replicate itself and help humans evolve. Yet, to step into a brave new future, old mentalities would also need to evolve. The mindset which views people as replaceable assets and disregards the damaging consumption of the planet’s finite resources must change.

Enter, the Relationship-Centered Evolution…
People are not assets. They are human beings with emotions, creativity, and the ability to innovate while helping everyone around them. These connections are formed by relationships. When empowered by purposeful relationships, people converge their values with others to achieve long-term goals.
The relationship-centered evolution connects humanity and technology to purpose and the planet. The knowledge gained from the previous industrial revolutions will create an equitable world where everyone thrives together and preserves the place we all call home.
Recently, Business Relationship Management identified the triple bottom line which leverages relationships to drive value to People, Purpose, and Planet.
Energizing the Triple Bottom Line
The evolution starts with the relationship you have with yourself. Self-awareness allows you to direct your energy with purpose. That energy connects to your teammates through empathy and great work relationships.
As you evolve your organization’s culture, BRMs around the world do the very same with their organizations, which are connected by the BRM Philosophy. Ultimately, the purposeful relationship that started with yourself expands through people to positively impact organizations, society, and the planet.
How to Evolve Your Organization and Drive Infinite Value

Human Factor – The recognition of an individual’s imagination and creative gifts.
Brand Factor – The opportunity to take pride in an organization and its Purpose.
Innovation Factor – The freedom for discovery of new sources of value and creativity.
Technology Factor – The ability to solve problems and issues that really matter.
Infinite Factor – The chance to belong to something that provides lasting, meaningful value.
These factors provide context for great work relationships. Relationships may change over time, but mutual respect of all the factors will lay a solid foundation for an organization to drive infinite value.
"Value is purpose realized"-
Aaron Barnes, CEO of BRM Institute
The pursuit of infinite value is never-ending. As you work towards your purpose, you convert your individual energy into value for those around you. Organizations are vehicles that converge individual purpose into a greater shared purpose that generates infinite value and optimized societal results.
To learn more, download the full-length eBook The Infinite Value Potential of Relationship-Centered Organizations from our bookstore today!