International Volunteer Day: The Power and Potential of Volunteerism

Today on International Volunteer Day, we take the opportunity to celebrate the power and potential of volunteerism. Designated to be observed annually on December 5, #IVD puts a spotlight on the efforts of volunteers and their contributions to society.
We all have the power to make a difference.
Throughout history and around the world, volunteers lead the way, as their efforts strengthen their communities. Being a part of a great community enables us to grow, offer and receive support, and connect with one another to advance greater goals.
Share Your Passion
The single, global BRM community needs volunteers just like YOU! Join a knowledge development team with a focus that fits your interest, such as BRM coaching or a value-focused organization development team. These groups advance the evolution of knowledge within the BRM Body of Knowledge related to their focus area. Sharing your passion will further strengthen the global BRM community and, through your collaborative efforts, will make an impact for professionals on a global scale.
“Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world; indeed, it’s the only thing that ever has.” – Margaret Mead
Satisfy Personal Purpose Through Volunteering
As a BRM, you’re no stranger to the importance of building authentic relationships to satisfy organizational purpose. What you may not realize is that by offering your time, you’ll also satisfy your personal purpose and enjoy a sense of fulfillment while continuing to advance the future of BRM. Now that is something to be proud of!
“Volunteering has always been about giving and receiving. It’s asking…how can I give of my time and skills to help move a piece forward? That’s the impact of volunteerism. If we work together, those individual pieces can become something bigger, creating the potential for enormous impact.”
– Leanne McGiveron, Purdue University
Do It for Your Health
The positive effects of volunteering extend far beyond what you might have imagined. Studies show that volunteering can raise your confidence level and help you gain new skills, but more surprisingly, volunteering can improve your mental clarity, boost your heart health, and reduce stress!
Take Action Now
Getting started doesn’t have to be complicated; there are options that fit every schedule and interest level.
Are you ready to get involved? Check out these current volunteer opportunities, or contact us here to get started today.