You’ve Got Your BRMP® ….Now What?

Posted | Category: Professional Development | Contributed

You’ve taken a significant step toward advancing your career, you’ve just earned your Business Relationship Management Professional credential (BRMP®).


But what comes next?

In the first six weeks following your BRMP certification, you have a unique opportunity to lay the groundwork for long-term growth and make a meaningful impact within your organization. Here’s a comprehensive guide to help you make the most out of the first month after achieving your BRMP certification.

1-30 Days / 1 Month:

Join the BRM Institute Community: Take advantage of your three-month trial membership to join the vibrant BRM Institute community. Engage with fellow professionals, participate in discussions, and access valuable resources to support your ongoing development.

Update Your Credentials: Add your BRMP credential to your professional profiles, including your resume, LinkedIn profile, email signature, online campus, and business cards. Upload your certificate or digital badge to showcase your achievement proudly.

Claim and Share Your Digital Badge: Claim your BRMP digital badge and share it with your LinkedIn network to validate your expertise and enhance your professional credibility. 

Engage with BRM Communities: Join one or more of the diverse BRM communities offered by the BRM Institute, including regional chapters, industry-specific groups, and special interest communities. Connect with like-minded professionals and expand your network.

Familiarize Yourself with the BRM Code of Ethics: Review the BRM Code of Ethics to understand the ethical principles and guidelines that govern the profession. Commit to upholding the highest standards of integrity and professionalism in your practice.

Initiate Practical Application Projects: Begin applying BRM principles in your day-to-day work by completing your first Idea Document, Value Plan, and Strategic Relationship Plans. Establish metrics to measure the effectiveness of your BRM initiatives and track your progress.

31-60 Days / 2 Months:

Review and Refine Your Approach: Take time to review your ideation approach, drive value framework, and strategic relationship plans. Compare your strategies against the standards outlined in the BRMBOK and identify areas for improvement.

Evaluate Differences and Adjustments: Evaluate any differences between your approaches and the BRMBOK standards. Make necessary adjustments to align your practices with industry best practices and optimize your impact.

61-90 Days / 3 Months:

Apply for A Certificate of Experience: Demonstrate your practical experience by applying for the BRMP Certificate of Experience. This recognition acknowledges your commitment to personal development and validates your proficiency in applying BRM principles in real-world scenarios.

6 Months / 12 Months:

Attend Certified Business Relationship Manager (CBRM®) Training: Elevate your skills and expertise by enrolling in Certified Business Relationship Manager (CBRM®) training. This advanced certification program will deepen your understanding of BRM concepts and prepare you for enhanced leadership roles as a Certified Business Relationship Manager.

The Evolved CBRM Training courses are upcoming….

June 24-28, 2024 and August 26-30, 2024.

By following the six week action plan, you can capture the full value of your BRMP certification and position yourself as a strategic partner within your organization. Embrace each opportunity for growth and continuous learning, and empower yourself to drive positive change and innovation on your professional journey.



Curious about the extended learning path?

Read more about the BRM Road to Results.


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