Enjoy Life at BRMConnect 2019

The river of life is a continuous flow, and sometimes we humans think that the act of “doing” means we’re accomplishing all that we should.
However, life is not solely made up of accomplishments and successes born out of our busy-ness.
Are we truly experiencing all life has to offer when we’re simply moving from one task to the next?
How to Enjoy Life by Being Present
“The present moment is the only thing where there is no time. It is the point between past and future. It is always there and it is the only point we can access in time. Everything that happens, happens in the present moment. Everything that ever happened and will ever happen can only happen in the present moment. It is impossible for anything to exist outside of it.” – Myrko Thum
Reflection allows us to learn from the past and goal-setting prepares us for the future. However, understanding how none of that exists within the present moment allow us to enjoy a fuller life.
Meaning, we cannot change the past and we do not control how the future unfolds beyond our own actions. Thus, our actions are the present and we all have the choice to ruminate, stress, and obsess…or not.
One powerful way to shift the mind to the present is by exercising daily gratitude.
Daily gratitude exercises, such as writing down three things we’re most grateful for, develops mindfulness and promotes deeper connection with ourselves and others.
By acknowledging all we have here and now, we can enjoy life from a more peaceful, happy, and grateful state of mind.
Be Present and Enjoy Life at BRMConnect
While BRMConnect is an important opportunity to learn, grow, set goals, and celebrate accomplishments, we must not forget to experience the beauty in front of our eyes.
Beautiful and historical New Orleans offers so much to travelers from their Crescent City Blues & BBQ Festival to Oktoberfest, and more! Immerse yourself in the culture of NOLA and enjoy life to the fullest!
Additionally, the global conference offers interactive sessions as well as Sunday’s BRMeet-N-Greet to connect with other inspirational BRMs from around the world!
Don’t miss out of any of the additional courses and workshops before, during, and after the conference! Registration for these offerings closes Friday, August 30th is now extended until September 30th!