BRM: The Limitless Energy Source for any Organization

InsiderPosted | Category: BRM Community, BRMConnect Virtual, Professional Development | Contributed

Drive Value

With increasing demand, people expect organizations to lead with lasting and meaningful purpose. Organizational purpose is a direct result of its culture.

Because culture is an accumulation of current and past relationships, and great relationships are influential motivators, an organization’s culture becomes the energy source which fuels its value creation. This fuel may be positive or negative.

An organization system allowing the build-up of silos with dysfunctional relationships between territorial owners creates negative fuel and value creation will be difficult. An organization with relationships based on shared ownership and a compelling purpose generates positive fuel to feed their engine.

What Is Fueling Your Organization?

Since the beginning of the year, dedicated volunteers within the global BRM community have been working together to bring relationships to the center of all organizations through BRM capabilities.

On August 12, 2020, BRM Institute introduced the Relationship-Centered Organization System – a result of the BRM Body of Knowledge (BRMBOK) Evolution.

The driving effort behind this evolution is to equip you to access infinite value by increasing effective relationships and creating a limitless energy source for all organizations around the world. This innovative, groundbreaking system answers many common challenges most organizations have struggled to solve.

What is the end result of becoming a relationship-centered organization? The BRM capability is fully enabled and empowered to be integrated into every facet within that organization.   

BRMConnect Virtual Opening Keynote

The opening keynote for 2020’s World BRMConnect Virtual Conference highlights how the evolution and integration of Business Relationship Management capabilities are indispensable to organizational growth and sustainability.

You’ll also hear details about the extraordinary efforts made by volunteer working groups supporting the BRMBOK Evolution.

Attendees will be receiving a special gift to equip you for the future of BRM. Don’t miss out as the BRM community officially kicks off BRMConnect Virtual 2020 on Monday August 24!

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