BRM Philosophy is the Wind that Propels Evolutionary Thought Leadership

Earlier this year, Tyrone Green, IT Sr. Director of PepsiCo, presented a webinar on the future landscape of BRM. Little did we suspect that this webinar would be one of the most well-attended, and widely discussed webinars in BRM history.
Responding to requests from the BRM community, Tyrone agreed to present his findings and to discuss the importance of thought leadership at the Annual BRMConnect conference in NOLA.
In his webinar, he revealed data from the Pew Research Center showing the massive shift in our global workforce.

By the year 2020, Generation X, millennials and Gen Z will comprise 60-70% of the workforce.
This is important because these generations represent a workforce evolution that will change the way we do business.
“New generational thinking refers to all the generations because we see this shift in mentality across all ages.”
According to a study done by The Society for Human Resource Management, 94% of these and future generations want to use their skills to benefit a cause.
Companies like Google and Apple are well aware of this trend, and to prepare, have begun planning and dedicating budgets to Corporate Responsibility Programs.
Recognizing the need for a shift in focus, Tyrone illustrates how leaders at PepsiCo pivoted to adopt a triple bottom line that is environmental, economic, and social. While not exactly the same as the triple bottom line identified by BRM Institute (People, Purpose, Planet), it’s cast in the same mold: People, Community and Stewardship of Our Earth matter!
Tyrone also took some time to explain how understanding BRM as a Philosophy is a must for all thought leaders.

The philosophy of BRM is like the wind that blows through the world collecting stories, vision, and purpose. It is what fuels the capability. In turn, the discipline supports and transmits this data into something useable for those in the role. Then, they convert all of that inspired energy into measurable value, delivered through BRM.
As one of the world’s top companies for thought leadership, it was impressive to feel the overwhelming support of PepsiCo for the adoption of the BRM Philosophy.
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