Welcome Aboard the Esprit de BRM World Tour!

Good afternoon! (radio crackles) This is your Captain speaking.
I’m Captain Bessie R. Flyte, and I’ve accepted the mission of transporting this tour group around the world to experience business relationship management (BRM), and I assure you, you’re in good hands with me! I was named for the first African American and Native American female pilot, Bessie Coleman*, and like her, I’m determined to scale new heights in this world of ours, as we show BRM to the world and learn what it means to our global communities.
This virtual adventure we’re about to embark upon together will take various forms. Over the next year, we’ll travel by sea, by air, by foot, and by rail. We’ll observe the world of BRM through both narrow and wide-angle lenses. We’ll witness the impact of relationships, hear accounts of fearless leadership, observe the effectiveness of BRM in organizational settings, and embark on a cycle of continuous learning.
This year, we’ll explore the impact that BRM has upon the world and the role you play in that.
As we prepare to set sail for our journey around the world, we want to ensure that everyone has the same layered experience. With that in mind, we’ll spend weeks leading up to the first tour stop, Bangalore, India on March 8, discussing fundamental BRM concepts. We’ll paint the picture and set the stage so that when we stop in Bangalore, you’ll be ready to disembark for the day at the Spirit of BRM session. A morning workshop at this stop will define the spirit of BRM, the value that it unlocks, and teach the key competencies necessary to thrive as a well-rounded and effective BRM professional. The complimentary afternoon forum will provide an interactive opportunity to learn more about the regional community, ways to get involved in the global community, and ways to expand on the BRM career front.
We can’t wait to see your faces and experience your enthusiasm and energy as you unlock the infinite power of BRM. Film yourselves experiencing the spirit of BRM, showing us how and what that means to you. Post and tag us on social media: #SpiritOfBRM
One last announcement: BRM Institute’s birthday is coming up on February 11th! There is a weeklong celebration planned – to celebrate the Institute, BRM, and you! Click the Esprit de BRM Points of Interest button to the right for more details!
Travel tip: Push that same button throughout the year for other interesting events/knowledge offerings/experiences related to the Esprit de BRM. As you can see, there are two other helpful buttons – if at any time you’d like to add a tour stop, click the top button. If you’d like reading material for your trip, we’ve got that covered with the Recommended Reading button.
Sit back, relax, and enjoy the journey. We’ll do our best to accommodate your every need. Should you require assistance, please push your call button and email us!
Fasten your seat belts and welcome aboard!
-Bessie. R. Flyte
Author Note: We would like to introduce you to the inspiration for our World Tour pilot avatar, Bessie Coleman. Born in Texas in 1892, Bessie was born into a life full of challenges but was determined to live it on her own terms and to the fullest. She had an insatiable drive to try new things and refused to let obstacles get in her way. After World War I, she was fascinated to hear stories from her brothers who had fought in France, of the female aviatrixes. Bessie was determined to learn how to fly but unable to find anyone to teach her in the United States, because she was an African American and a woman, she moved to France. She received her international pilot’s license on June 15, 1921. Learn more about this fascinating woman.