Unite Your Passion, Profession, and Purpose

The Power of Personal Testimony
Are you unclear about your purpose?
Well, let me share my story. Grab a cup of coffee (or your beverage of choice!) and listen in how I overcame the uncertainty about my purpose. If you’ve felt unclear about your path as a BRM, especially if you are new to business relationship management, you’ll find insightful encouragement here.
Take a look at the full-length recording of Shubham’s storytelling presentation titled, An Evolution: When Passion Becomes Your Purpose, given during BRMConnect Virtual 2020. You can also read on as Shubham shares the process of discovering his true purpose by following what he is most passionate about in his career and in life: building trusted relationships.
I’ve found that when people in this world are really busy with their own stuff, they tend to not care what’s going around them until there’s something to spark their interest. For this reason, I started looking for win-win situations in my work life. For me, the win was to get my business partners on board with my purpose, and for them the win was to get the work done effectively. But sometimes we only think of transactions, or in terms of what that person can do for me. However, when we invest in relationships, then overtime these transactional encounters will truly be endowments, perpetually creating greater value.
“When we make a commitment, we build hope. When we keep it, we build trust.”
– Stephen M.R. Covey
After looking for win-win scenarios, I started reading about trust. Literally, I mean reading books about trust, but later I realized that there is no clear definition of trust. It is used and perceived in different ways. The most apt definition which I could find is, ‘willingness to be vulnerable and take risk.’ When I say I ‘trust’ you, I am willing to be vulnerable to you, and take that risk.
There are three drivers of trust:
- Ability- Can they…
- Benevolence- Do they care about me…
- Integrity- Will they…


With my business partners, I proved my ability by delivering faster solutions, and I demonstrated integrity by committing to deliveries and delivering on my commitment. Now, what about benevolence, or caring? In business, I’ve found it’s best to build it overtime. So how did I?
I listened to my Business Partners, understood their pain points, and invested in the relationship to build a strong bridge of trust. Ultimately, my approach was centered around building the bridge rather than destroying it. Remember, this is not only true with partners, but also with other cross functional teams.
Now, as my partners and I established a strong relationship founded on trust, and everyone was on board with my purpose, it became shared purpose.
As a result, we are able to look for common or shared solutions which can be leveraged by all and caters to common problems. This has fostered greater collaboration and communication between those impacted to maintain or improve the solution as it is implemented.
BRM Terminology
I wouldn’t say that this is the journey of a BRM. Rather, this journey made a BRM. By focusing on building trust and understanding my business partners needs, I became a trusted advisor, all before realizing that there is a BRM Interactive Body of Knowledge (BRMiBOK) designed just for professionals like me. Looking for win-win solutions and building trust, it was how I’ve lived every day in my life, but I couldn’t articulate it in a structured way. If I look back now, it all relates and makes sense. Earlier, I was unclear about my purpose but now I can better talk about this journey.
When Passion becomes your Purpose

There are many out there who might be on the same path, but are in the same dilemma.
You may be asking yourself, “what am I doing exactly?”
I am fortunate that I realized my purpose at a very early age and could achieve this much in a short time, but I want this message to be spread for those who are still unclear, or are searching. I want to tell you that there is a Body of Knowledge for professionals like you wanting to grow and learn. There is a global community filled with like-minded people that can help you succeed. So, go socialize, build your network and create new relationships. Most importantly, follow your passion. This was the driving force which kept me motivated and helped me in my journey. When passion becomes your purpose, you may find it becomes your profession.
This journey was never just about me. It was about people, trust, and relationships. That’s the way forward, that’s the future, and that’s why BRMs exist.
There’s a saying that I came across and it resonated with me, so I’ll end on this. “Lucky are those who have found their path but blessed are the ones who are still on their journey.” And I am still on my journey.
About the Author
Shubham is a proficient and forward-thinking professional who is passionate about bringing value to the business by defining purpose and building trusted relationships. He started his career with Textron India in 2014 as a full stack developer. For the last five years, he has been working in the Shared Services team managing in-house developed and third-party applications and providing IT support to business functions like HR, Finance, IT, Logistics and Facility Admin.
He views his role in IT as equivalent to any other business function rather just being an order-taker. With a few years of work, he has established trusting partnerships and aligned business purposes. He partnered with business and took IT to the level of a Trusted Advisor. In 2019 he completed his BRMP certification and started giving structured direction to his organization’s BRM journey. Additionally, Shubham was awarded the Trailblazer Up and Coming BRM Award for his immense dedication in all things BRM.
Currently he is working as a Senior IT Analyst with the Enterprise Digital Solutions team, developing and managing enterprise-wide web and mobile applications. His contribution to IT and to Business has be recognized, appreciated and awarded by senior leadership both in India and other geographies. Apart from work, he is very active in extra-curricular activities like organizing events, designing creative flyers and presentations and contributing in CSR activities. Shubham holds a bachelor’s degree in Information Technology.