BRM Institute Is Excited to Announce the Release of Two New Knowledge Offerings: BRM Executive Brief and BRM Fundamentals.

With great demand and as a part of our continuous efforts to further Business Relationship Management (BRM) professional standards; BRM Institute is excited to announce the release of two new Knowledge Offerings: BRM Executive Brief and BRM Fundamentals.
These offerings build on the existing standards of the BRM Body of Knowledge (BRMBOKTM). The BRM Executive Brief is designed to outline why and how to leverage a BRM capability to move all business functions, both internal and external (IT, Finance, HR, external partners, etc.), to converged strategic partners and drive exponential business results consistently across industries. The BRM Fundamentals is designed to introduce BRM as a capability, role, and discipline. The class is designed to facilitate an understanding of foundational BRM knowledge.

The BRM Executive Brief and the BRM Fundamentals class serve as guiding paths in the Introduction Series of the BRM Knowledge Path to Success (BRM KPTS).
There are four paths in the BRM KPTS: Introduction, Certification, Application, and Results. These paths provide businesses and business leaders with knowledge to make BRM successful as a discipline, individually, and as an organization. The BRM KPTS provides a comprehensive action plan for evolving culture to support strategic partnering (teams) and for driving business value. Leveraging their existing BRM capability, a holistic approach is necessary for executives to move business, IT, HR, Finance, external partners, and other areas to converged strategic partners.

BRM Executive Brief
BRM Executive Brief is a 30-60 minute overview that demonstrates why and how to leverage a BRM capability to move all business functions, both internal and external (IT, Finance, HR, external partners, etc.), to converged strategic partners and drive exponential business results consistently across industries. A BRM capability drives business value, builds strategic partnerships, and evolves enterprise culture to support collaboration and shared ownership of strategy and results across all business functions.
BRM Executive Brief is targeted towards the CEO, executives, and other business leaders looking to gain knowledge on why and how to leverage their BRM capability to move IT, Finance, HR, external partners, and other business functions to converged strategic partners and drive exponential business results consistently across industries.
For the greatest and fastest success, it is encouraged the BRM capability is championed by the CEO, C-level executives, and business function leaders.
BRM Fundamentals
BRM Fundamentals is a one-day class designed to facilitate an understanding of foundational BRM knowledge. In this class, participants will learn about BRM as a capability, role, and discipline. They will also learn what a BRM does and does not do, be provided with the language needed to change perceptions and perspectives and learn how the BRM discipline interacts with other disciplines (project management, architecture, business analysts, business functions, strategy, etc.) inside an organization. Basic introductions to the different frameworks, processes, and models to bring structure and guidance to BRM are also presented.
BRM Fundamentals class is open to everyone (at any level and from any role) wanting to learn more about interacting with and/or how to achieve success through the BRM profession.
BRM Institute brings these new offerings by BRM Institute continue to build upon the global success of the BRM certifications, Business Relationship Management Professional (BRMP®) and Certified Business Relationship Manager (CBRM®).
Business professionals/leaders from all industries and countries can leverage these workshops and classes within the BRM KPTS to map their personal BRM learning journey for greater impact on their career, their organization’s success, and community improvement.
Seeing the direction our BRM community is headed is so exciting!