Strategic Compensation: 2015 Business Relationship Manager (BRM) Salary Survey

We are pleased to present the results of the 2015 Business Relationship Management (BRM) Salary Survey! Some highlights of the survey are the key demographics including: participating countries, industry affiliation, area and as well as the compensation analysis.
With the generous support from ITSM Zone, BRM Institute’s comprehensive analysis of current salary trends has taken one step closer towards defining a professional standard for BRMs worldwide. As you prepare your 2016 career and professional development goals, make sure that you review the report on the findings of the 2015 Business Relationship Management Salary Survey and uncover the elements that have the greatest influence on your salary as a BRM!
Remember, the Salary Survey is a BRM Institute members-only benefit, so enjoy your exclusive access to the salary survey results! To view the report, go to the Online Campus homepage (about half way down on the left side of the page) where you will be able to download your free copy of BRM Institute 2015 BRM Salary Survey Report!
For a sample of the 2015 BRM Salary Survey, click here.
Not a BRM Institute Professional Member? Join today! Or purchase the complete Salary Report here.