A Moment to Reflect: Three MBRMs Share Their Journey

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The Master of Business Relationship Management (MBRM) is recognized as the culmination of a BRM professional’s career, representing the highest level of expertise and commitment to the field.

This designation reflects not only a profound understanding of the principles and practices of Business Relationship Management but also the ability to apply this knowledge to drive strategic outcomes within organizations. MBRM professionals are leaders in fostering meaningful connections, enhancing collaboration, and navigating complex stakeholder dynamics. Their achievement signifies a dedication to ongoing learning and a passion for elevating the role of BRM in creating sustainable value for both organizations and their partners. As such, the MBRM stands as a hallmark of excellence, inspiring others in the profession to pursue similar heights in their careers.

We sat down with three professionals who achieved their MBRM approximately one year after this accomplishment to learn how this milestone has impacted their personal and professional lives. Each individual shared how their journey to earning the MBRM has not only enhanced their strategic thinking and relationship-building skills but also empowered them to drive meaningful change within their teams. They reflected on the deep connections they’ve fostered, the collaborative initiatives they’ve spearheaded, and the greater sense of purpose they’ve found in their work.


Let’s hear their stories…

Christina Blincoe, MBRM

Technology Business Partner, Burns & McDonnell

Christina Blincoe radiates warmth in every interaction. Her positive energy spilled into our interview, creating a genuine and open dialogue. As she shared her journey, it was evident that her passion for business and relationships is matched only by her genuine desire to uplift others. Christina’s insights, grounded in her extensive experience and entrepreneurial spirit, illuminated the transformative power of connection in both personal and professional realms. It’s clear that she not only strives for success in her own endeavors but also delights in helping those around her thrive, embodying the essence of a true mentor and leader.

Q: Why did you set out to achieve your MBRM?

A: I really wanted this achievement for myself. I did not set out to gain recognition at work or to get a promotion. At the time of my MBRM, I had been working as a BRM most of my 28 year career, and formally in the role for the last seven years and I wanted to learn from others at the BRM Institute and others how they create a BRM culture and mindset within their organization and then to bring that to the Engineering firm I work at and to my own Business as an Entrepreneur.

Q: What does gaining the MBRM credential mean for you personally and professionally?

A: It has given me a sense of accomplishment and credibility to me personally. I was so proud to be among the few that have received this and I love being a speaker and a mentor to share with others that they can do it as well.

Q:What would you tell someone considering pursuing their MBRM? 

A: Believe in yourself. There will be others that may not understand your drive and your ambition but do it anyway. I believe that the right people come into your life for a reason and I have found that support from the BRM Institute. When others doubt you, or do not buy into what you are doing, it is ok because you are not doing it for them, you are doing it for you. I have a really hard time doing things for myself and that is why I am so lucky and blessed to have a husband that encouraged me and gave me this advice. I believe it is the positive steps we take for ourselves that can impact and change the lives of others around us. We are here to be an example but only if we take the first step.

Q: It’s been (over) a year since you’ve achieved your MBRM credential. Can you share how this milestone has impacted your career? 

A: This is a hard one to answer because my organization does not recognize BRM YET. I say Yet because like everything, this to can change. I would say it was challenging to achieve something like the MBRM credential and not have anyone at my workplace value that but like I said before I did not do it for them and I remind myself this everyday in how I carry myself, how I serve my partners in the business and how I bring a professional approach to my work. If you have experienced this kind of rejection, I want you to know it will be ok. I am here to encourage you, to see you and to lift you up. I believe that together, alongside the BRM Institute that I call friends, that we can be the change our organizations need and it starts with having the knowledge and the discipline that the credentials provide each one of us. In my personal life, the credentials gave me the courage to step out and write a book. I am an author of a chapter in a book coming out next May 2025 called “The Joy-full Entrepreneur: Vol 3“. My solo book is scheduled to be launched later in 2025. It is through these experiences that we bet on ourselves and this has had a big impact on me to lean into the strengths I have as a speaker, author and mentor. 
Christina's Bio

Christina Blincoe is a dedicated wife to her husband, Joe, and a proud mother to three remarkable sons: Brandon (27), Trenton (22), and Isaac (13). With a rich 28-year career in engineering firms, Christina embodies an entrepreneurial mindset and spirit, driven by a heartfelt desire to serve through her gifts in technology and business. She is a versatile professional—an Entrepreneur, Engineer, Speaker, Author, Mentor, Coach, and Connector—committed to empowering others.

Christina actively volunteers with young people and women entrepreneurs, sharing her insights and experiences in small business. She holds a master’s in Business Relationship Management and is a Joy-Full Entrepreneur at Sweet Streams Lavender, a lavender farm in Kansas that she co-founded with Joe ten years ago. Their mission is rooted in faith, values, and a profound love for family, friends, partners, and customers, whom they affectionately refer to as “friends.” Together, Joe and Christina strive to help others discover the beauty within themselves and foster intentional connections within their community.

 Chris Haney, MBRM

Senior Technology Business Partner, Enterprise Community Partners

Chris Haney is a mission-driven leader with a deep-rooted passion for meaningful connections. He is the person in your organization who knows everyone’s name at your organization and makes a point to send you a birthday wish, or check in periodically. He makes everyone around him feel seen, heard and understood. He works actively through a relentless pursuit of excellence to empower his team to embrace the principles of BRM, driving not only organizational success but also inspiring a shared vision and culture of true human connection. He shared his MBRM journey below…

Q: Why did you set out to achieve your MBRM?

A: I first learned of BRM Institute and BRM certifications in 2020 while interviewing candidates for an open position I was filling. I made it a mission of mine to learn all I could about the Global BRM Community, careers in the BRM space, and to get involved. As a long time IT professional, I had always focused on aligning technology with business needs and building strong relationships across the organization. I was very excited to learn that there was a career path focused on doing this every day, and professional certifications to support it. It was at that point that I committed to achieving my MBRM. I wanted to achieve my MBRM to show that I had a career focused on doing what I loved.

Q: What does gaining the MBRM credential mean for you personally and professionally?

A: I am very proud of my MBRM certification personally. It was something that I set as a goal and was able to achieve. Professionally, it has opened doors to career opportunities, provided opportunities for me to mentor several other BRM’s, and allowed me to participate in some pretty exciting projects with BRM institute

Q: What would you tell someone considering pursuing their MRBM?

A: Just do it. Over the last few years as I have become more involved with the Global BRM Community, I have spoken to a lot of people who are interested in pursuing their MBRM, but are hesitant. I felt the same way when I first starting the process for my MBRM. I didn’t feel like I was worthy of the certification or that I had the experience to justify being awarded the certification. After discussing my concerns with some folks, I decided to just do it. I have never looked back and am glad that I did it.

Q: It has been (over) a year since you’ve achieved your MBRM Credential. Can you share how this milestone has impacted your career?

A: It has opened up opportunities for discussions with other BRM professionals who want to learn more about the MBRM certification and provided me with the credentials to go after higher paying and more senior career opportunities.
Chris's Bio

Chris Haney is a dedicated senior information technology leader known for his customer-focused approach and expertise in leveraging technology to drive business solutions. With extensive experience and a strong educational background, Chris holds coveted certifications including MBRM, PMP, and ITIL, which underscore his commitment to excellence in IT management and service delivery.

Originally from Maine, Chris now calls Nebraska home, where he has established himself as a trusted advisor to business leaders in developing technology strategies and roadmaps. His passion for integrating technology with business goals stems from a lifelong interest in problem-solving and innovation.

Beyond his professional accomplishments, Chris takes great pride in his personal life. He has been happily married to his bride of 31 years and is the proud father of four children and one grandchild. Family is central to Chris’s life, and he enjoys spending quality time with them, whether it’s supporting his children’s endeavors or sharing his love for baseball, especially as an avid fan of the Kansas City Royals

Chris’s career journey is defined by his ability to bridge the gap between technology and business needs, creating impactful solutions that propel organizations forward. His collaborative approach and strategic insights have made him a valuable asset in driving organizational success and achieving business objectives through innovative technology solutions.

 Sarah Fogg, MBRM

Senior IT Leader Business Relationship Management

Sarah brings a calm to the conversation that instantly puts you at ease. As we spoke about her experience with her Master of Business Relationship Management (MBRM), it became apparent that her journey had been empowering and evolutionary. Her leadership approach inspires confidence for her team to navigate challenges with grace and clarity. We talked more about her experience and she shared her insights…

Q: Why did you set out to achieve your MBRM?

A: I had been working as a BRM for over a decade and felt that it was a natural next step after putting into practice everything I had learned in that time. They say you need to put 10,000 hours into something to become a master, and I felt I was at that point. I wanted to be part of the growing community of MBRMs!

Q: What does gaining the MBRM credential mean for you personally and professionally?

A: It’s a recognition that I have achieved mastery level in my chosen profession. I also have an MBA and my understanding of BRM is at least on a par with my understanding of Business. As an academic qualification It helps to build credibility in the BRM profession more widely. 

Q: What would you tell someone considering pursuing their MRBM?

A: Come and join our club! I chose to write about my experiences putting BRM into practice, and found it rewarding to reflect on the challenges and successes. It took time to put pen to paper, but actually the hardest part was to get going. Once I started I was on a roll!

Q: As an MBRM, what advice do you have for BRM professionals who are new to the role?

A: It’s a wonderfully challenging and diverse role with the most incredible potential for impacting the success of any organisation. That’s what keeps me motivated and inspired to keep going – it’s an amazing community to be part of. 

Q: It’s been a while since you’ve achieved your MBRM. Can you share how this milestone has impacted your career?

A: It’s not quite a year yet, but the MBRM along with the Arnie make me feel proud and privileged to be working in this field. I hit a crossroads in my career this year and have decided to become a freelance consultant / trainer / coach. The MBRM gives me the standing and credibility I need to take that step with confidence. 
Sarah's Bio

Sarah Fogg is a Senior IT Business Relationship Manager and Strategic Partner with a diverse background in IT, having gained extensive experience across various sectors including Utilities, FMCG, and Higher Education. She has demonstrated expertise in delivering impactful business outcomes through the prioritization and initiation of portfolios of IT capital expenditure projects, managing budgets of up to £150 million.

Known for her excellent interpersonal skills, Sarah is adept at business stakeholder engagement, IT strategy development, and digital transformation. She is passionate about fostering the potential of individuals and building strong relationships, which is evident in her success in creating high-performance teams and enhancing the capabilities of her colleagues and numerous direct reports.

As a Board member of BRM Institute, Sarah has been a prominent figure in the BRM community, frequently sharing her insights at forums and conferences. She has served on the BRM Institute Board of Directors as Vice Chair since 2020, contributing her leadership and vision to the organization. In recognition of her outstanding volunteer contributions, Sarah was awarded the prestigious “Arnie” in 2023 for Global Recognition.

Currently, Sarah is training to become a trainer in Business Relationship Management and is exploring new opportunities in the BRM field, available for both permanent and freelance roles.

The MBRM not only equips you with the advanced skills needed to excel in your career but also positions you as a leader in the field of Business Relationship Management. If you’re interested in achieving your Master of Business Relationship Management (MBRM) and joining the likes of this vibrant community of professionals who are committed to elevating the practice of BRM and making a lasting difference on the business world.


Take the first steps toward mastering your craft and shaping the future of your career today!


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