First Steps for Your BRM Journey

The Business Relationship Management journey from Level One Ad-hoc and Level Two, Order Taker isn’t easy, especially if you’re alone or in a small group and leading the change. Here are some small steps to get you started.
We all know change isn’t easy, and even when a situation isn’t satisfying, we’re more comfortable with a bad one because it’s what we’re familiar with. For example, at Level One, you may have no way to prioritize requests other than loudest-in, first-out, so you deal with unrealistic business partner expectations instead of making your service schedules known.
If you use an automated request tracking system consider adding a short paragraph with your standard service delivery times so business partners can plan future requests with this knowledge. When business partners see that you are anticipating their needs you also begin to cultivate trust and build a stronger relationship with them.
Do your business partners know whom to contact for what? Do your processes confuse them? Another easy improvement you can make is to create a short list of common phone numbers or emails that your business partners can contact in case of a question or concern. Add this to the bottom of each of your emails to business partners to improve communication.
As you move to Level Two, you might eliminate further possibilities for misunderstandings by establishing a standard format that can be quickly scanned for pertinent fact information about their request, such as what they will be billed for and when.
Openly celebrate your successes so your teammates feel your joy and pride in these accomplishments—and be sure your manager sees your hard work as well.
It isn’t easy, but it is well worth it! Begin with small steps and always keep in mind that BRM Institute Communities of Interest are out there to support you and provide resources. Commit yourself to one small change daily (or weekly!) and practice that change every day.