BRM Institute Regional Chapters

BRM Institute is excited to announce the pilot launch of BRM Institute Regional Chapters with a purpose to accelerate global membership, awareness, and adoption of BRM capabilities worldwide.


      Chapters exist to:

  1. Promote awareness and recognition of the business relationship management profession.
  2. Encourage and support the education, development, and certification of its members in the business relationship management profession.
  3. Develop rich, lasting, and rewarding professional relationships among chapter members, BRM Institute, and other strategic alliance partners.
  4. Encourage an open exchange of information related to business relationship management techniques, approaches, and problem-solving by its members and their related organizations.
  5. Promote adequate communication to keep members abreast of current events in business relationship management that can benefit members and their related organizations.
  6. Engage with other related organizations, including BRM Institute and other chapters, to further our purpose.

Frequently Asked Questions

What does collaboration look like in my Regional Chapter?

Each Regional Chapter organizes, at minimum, quarterly meetings/events as well an online collaboration space that allows Chapter members to come together to  describe, discuss, disseminate and debate key areas of knowledge on a localized level.

How do I join a Chapter?

Welcome! To join an existing chapter, go here to see the list of available chapters and manage your membership. Currently, there are no membership dues or fees for joining.  If you see a Chapter listed that you would like to join, simply click the appropriate links to join!

Please note: Applicants must hold a current BRM Institute Professional Membership in order to join.

Are there fees associated with joining a Chapter?

In order to join a Chapter, members must hold and maintain a BRM Institute Professional Membership. Some chapters require a membership fee, as is determined by the chapter.

Note: Fees and dues for Chapter membership are subject to change as BRM Institute progresses Regional Chapters out of the pilot stage.

Can I become a Professional Member now, and join a Regional Chapter later?

Yes! You can join a Regional Chapter at any time as long as you hold and maintain a BRM Institute Professional Membership. However, by joining today, you will be a founding member of the selected Chapter and will not incur an additional Chapter membership fee or dues at this time!

To apply to join a Regional Chapter, navigate to their website page linked above and click the join button.

How do I form a Chapter for my region?

The experience of creating a new BRM Institute Regional Chapter (“Chapter”) is a rewarding endeavor, but also one that requires a dedicated group of leaders who are willing to put their time and energy together to make it happen over an extended period of time. Learn more about the formation process here.

What is the difference between a Regional Chapter and a BRM Community?

BRM Institute Regional Chapters are separate business entities associated with BRM Institute. They operate as established non-profits in their region.

Comparatively, BRM Communities are more broad-reaching, covering not only regions but also industries and sometimes even specific interest topics! They are hosted by BRM Institute and run by Volunteer Community Leaders. BRM Communities often show up in specific ways during BRM Institute events such as BRMConnect conferences. Learn more about BRM Communities here.

More Chapters Coming Soon!

BRM Institute Regional Chapters are expanding worldwide. If you are interested in forming a Chapter in your region, learn more about the formation process here.

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