BRM Institute Data Protection and GDPR Compliance

On May 25, 2018 the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) officially takes effect. These regulations extend the scope of data protection in the European Union (EU) by expanding existing laws, introducing improved data-storage requirements, and simplifying the compliance process. The large-picture goal of the GDPR is to protect individuals from personal data theft and/or misuse.
What is the GDPR?
BRM Institute understands that the GDPR is a set of holistic principles, rights, and processes created to guide individual companies to expand beyond existing regulations. Here are just a few of the areas being expanded upon by the GDPR:
- Transparency and modalities
- Information and access to personal information
- Accuracy of information
- Security of stored personal information
- Accountability of organizations
- Storage limitation of personal information
Where We Stand
As a responsible member of the global BRM community for over five years, BRM Institute already takes the security of our member’s personal information, and the trust you have given us with it, very seriously; member information has never been and will never be shared without explicit permission and it’s certainly never sold. We maintain accurate records of all data collected and subject all of our processes to strict ethical and professional standards. In order to continue our history of excellence in this area, our team anticipates a GDPR inspired expansion of our data security, data storage and usage procedures.
Below are a few of the measures we’ll be implementing with even more specifics to be released soon!
- Revisiting corporate policies to improve data accountability
- Ensuring that consent to our products and services is clear and evident
- Clarifying data accountability and privacy in all processes
- Reviewing and updating existing data storage procedures
With these and other developments, our experienced team looks forward to the implementation of the GDPR and is working diligently to expand our processes from compliant to exemplary. At any point, should you have any questions, comments or concerns about how we store or use your personal information please reach out to us directly email us!
Source: Regulation (EU) 2016/679 (General Data Protection Regulation)