BRM Council Corner Update

Welcome to this edition of the BRM Council Corner! A lot has happened in the past month. Firstly, I want to acknowledge that the BRMConnect event in Charlotte was a great success! Not only did my BRM Council colleagues in attendance speak very highly of the event, but they really enjoyed meeting and interacting with everyone in attendance. I believe a special thank you is in order to everyone who was able to make it to Charlotte to listen and participate with peers!
Due to a previous engagement, I was unfortunately unable to attend, but I am very excited for the BRMConnect event in Banff this September. I will be there to meet as many of you as I can and help communicate our strategy for the BRM Council. We are in the planning phases right now, but I can share with you that the Council’s engagement in Banff will be similar to the one in Charlotte. In addition, the Council will also be represented in Sydney in June and Amsterdam in October. All events will feature the Council to help meet and answer your questions about us.
I very much look forward to it!
I also want to take a moment to call attention to the tremendous support we have received lately, in the form of volunteers offering to join the Council as general members. On behalf of the Council leadership, I want to thank you. Your help is invaluable to aiding in the growth and development of our sub-committees and toolkits needed by your industry peers.
As for the Council, we are very busy planning for the conferences later this year. We plan to share updates with you as we get closer to the dates, regarding who and what the Council will be up to in Sydney, Banff, and Amsterdam. We are also working on some new initiatives in 2016 that we plan to share with you soon. So please stay tuned—a lot has happened this year, and there is much more to come. We look forward to sharing again next month!