BRM Institute Announces a New Community of Interest: Brazil

Posted | Category: BRM Community | Contributed

BRM Institute’s Online Campus focuses on building circles of like-minded BRMs from all over the world, so we are excited to announce the newest Community of Interest for BRMs located south of the equator.

Brazil! What immediately comes to mind when you think about a country with a population of more than 200 million? Of course, the answer depends on your nationality, interests, and passion, but it’s undeniable that the 2016 Olympics in Rio de Janeiro (along with the recent political disputes) have definitely put Brazil in the spotlight lately.

What does this have to do with the new Community of Interest (COI) BRM Institute is introducing? The answer is simple: everything! Think about all the opportunities those events triggered, giving companies and BRMs alike the perfect momentum to boost the BRM capability from a maturity perspective. This is the moment to begin and continue conversations that are critical to spreading awareness of business relationship management, particularly in Latin America.

If you would like to network with other BRM Institute members who are also interested in learning more about BRM in Brazil, this is your chance. We encourage you to join the community, introduce yourself, and give us a taste of how you would like to contribute to the Brazilian COI going forward.

Obrigado e bem vindo!

Samy Kogan is an IT Business Relationship Manager at Elavon, Inc. and has over 18 years of experience working in Fortune 500 companies that span various industries. His international BRM expertise has given him ample opportunity to translate between the business and IT in multiple ways, resulting in reaching strategic partnership with his current business partners. Samy is CobiT, ITIL, and BRMP-certified, and is multilingual in Portuguese, Spanish, English, and Hebrew. He holds an MBA in IT Management and a Continuing Education degree in Establishing Effective Communications within IT teams.

2 Responses

  1. Ronaldo says:

    Olá Samy!

    Vamos conversar! Tenho muito interesse em aprofundar o conhecimento sobre BRM!


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