Setting the Global Standard for Business Relationship Management and Business Partner Collaboration

Posted | Category: BRM Community | Contributed

We have set the standard for global Business Relationship Management and Business Partner CollaborationCertified

In just over a 1.5 years, over 700 professional members in 37 countries have joined the Institute and taken advantage of the great content in the Business Relationship Management Interactive Body of Knowledge (BRMIBoK™) and the rewarding networking opportunities inside the Institute. We have over 7000 members in the BRM Explorer’s Club reading our monthly publications, attending our webinars, and receiving event updates in the BRM space. More and more organizations are now making Business Relationship Management Professional (BRMP®) certification a hiring requirement for their Business Relationship Managers. A team of leading experts is hard at work at BRM Institute building the next level of professional development and certification—Certified Business Relationship Manager (CBRM®). We have a leadership development program that is starting to take off with the first offering of BRMs Developing BRMs™  peer mentorship program.

Come be a part of this exciting experience! Join our Professional Members, our sponsors, our business partners and leading businesses implementing a BRM capability, as we take the Institute to the next level with many great opportunities to network, improve your BRM skills, maximize business value realization in your organization, change the BRM discipline around the globe, and be part of something great!

I’ll leave you with a teaser, the worlds first BRM conference is being planned right now for May/June 2015 in Portland, Oregon USA. You will see much more on this in the coming months.

Be sure to download our free mobile App to stay updated on BRM.

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