2017 Global Excellence Award Winners

Global Community Impact
- Aaron Monroe
- Arnie Wetherill
- Chris Lucas
- Dan Kotrapu
- Darrel Popowich
- Derek Storbakken
- Deryl Heitman
- Gerry Robinson
- Ibrahim Jackson
- Joe Hayes
- Joe Topinka
- Karina O’Mara
- Kirk Olinger
- Lee Reiff
- Leigh Ann Thomas
- Malini Jayaganesh
- Paul Wilkinson
- Pernilla Webber
- Peter Lijnse
- Ronn Faigen
- Steve Plante
- Suresh GP
- Vaughan Merlyn
- Boyd Sharpe
- Cyndi Cossais
- Gary Hardy
- Jamie Keeley
- Jason Ruiter
- Jason Spinner
- Jeremy Byrne
- Karen Ferris
- Michael Malone
- Monica Graham
- RJ Juliano
- Simon Kent
- Simon Matthews
- Stephen Hinde
- Tina Pomeroy
- Zahid Afzal
- Suresh GP
- Roger Jones
- Darrel Popowich
- Joe Topinka
- LaVerne Council
- Michael Caesar
BRM Practitioner
- Chris Lucas
- Malini Jayaganesh
- Nicole Conboy
- Roger Jones
BRM Team
- Michael Caesar
- Roger Jones
- Suresh GP
Community of Interest
- Dan Kotrapu
- Kip Fanta
- Kirk Olinger
- Leanne McGiveron
- Leif Andersson
- Malini Jayaganesh
- Steve Plante
- Suresh GP
- Chris Clancy
- Gary Hardy
- Jeremy Byrne
- Rattan Muradia
- Reuben Connolly
- Simon Kent
- Susan Miskiman
- Malini Jayaganesh
- Michael Caesar
- Paul Wilkinson
- Roger Jones

Global Community Impact: A Special Recognition

Stephanie Walsh received a Global Community Impact award for creating and leading the BRM Council. Stephanie led the BRM Council, giving it a great foundation to grow to what it is today. Stephanie has been a great supporter of the global BRM community.
The Arnie Award
Steve Plante

Coined in 2016, the Arnie was named after its first recipient, Arnie Wetherill, for being the embodiment of an exemplary BRM and BRM Institute member. Recipients of the #BRMLegend Award receive the Arnie for going above and beyond to get involved at BRM Institute, assume leadership positions within their BRM practice, establish mentoring relationships with other BRMs, and set an example within the global BRM community.
These awards are the BRM profession’s highest honor, in recognition of how professionals (both individually and in teams) strengthen the global BRM community and business environment, as well as enrich lives through excellence in BRM within their organizations and contributions to the community on a local, national, and global level. The awards shine a spotlight on outstanding accomplishments of industry professionals for efforts driving BRM community involvement/stewardship, convergence, business value, creativity and innovation, and overall make the world a better place.