BRM Communities

BRM Communities are a benefit to anyone in the single, global BRM community which allows individuals to network, discuss, and debate key areas of knowledge throughout and beyond the BRM community. The collective wisdom of shared knowledge is what makes the BRM community so great. Virtual meetings take place monthly and community leaders will also arrange “local” face-to-face get togethers or events for further networking.

Below are the five major regions for the globe: select a region to see more categories and learn more about what is happening in your local area!

Use the links below to join an existing community.

To start and lead your own community, please contact us.

Click the image to go to the Canada BRM Community Landing Page
Click the image to go to the United States BRM Community Landing Page
Click the image to go to the Latin America BRM Community Landing Page
Click the image to go to the Europe BRM Community Landing Page
Click the image to go to the Middle East and Africa Community Landing Page
Click the image to go to the Asia Pacific Community Landing Page

In addition to Geography, BRM Communities of Industry and Interest are available to join!

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