2018 Global Excellence Award Winners

After an exciting first couple of days at BRMConnect 2018, we are happy to announce this years Global Excellence Award Winners, the most prestigious awards in the BRM community. These standout BRMs received recognition for all the work they’ve done to advance the cause of Business Relationship Management worldwide. Take a look at this year’s winners below.
Global Community Impact
Aaron Monroe
Arnie Wetherill
Derek Storbakken
Donna Anderson
Gary Hardy
Glenn Remorerez
Ibrahim Jackson
Jana McDonald
Jeremy Wall
Jim Brusnahan
Kip Fanta
Leanne McGiveron
Lynn borders
Malini Jayaganesh
Olivier Abecassis
Peter Lijnse
Ronn Faigen
Svetlana Sidenko
Terry Kraftheffer
Vaughan Merlyn
Leanne McGiveron
Edwin Rodriquez-Pazo
Jim Brusnahan
Peter Lijnse
Consultant of the Year
Gary Hardy
BRM Practitioner
Mark Sullivan
Leanne McGiveron
Heather Honiss
BRM Team
Mark Sullivan
Crystal Dombkowski
Leanne McGiveron
Federal Reserve:
Heather Honiss
Community of Interest
Mark Sullivan
Crystal Dombkowski
Leanne McGiveron
Edwin Rodriquez-Pazo
Special Recognition
Arnie Wetherill

The Arnie Award

Gary Hardy

Coined in 2016, the Arnie was named after its first recipient, Arnie Wetherill, for being the embodiment of an exemplary BRM and BRM Institute member. Recipients of the #BRMLegend Award receive the Arnie for going above and beyond to get involved at BRM Institute, assume leadership positions within their BRM practice, establish mentoring relationships with other BRMs, and set an example within the global BRM community.
These awards are the BRM profession’s highest honor, in recognition of how professionals (both individually and in teams) strengthen the global BRM community and business environment, as well as enrich lives through excellence in BRM within their organizations and contributions to the community on a local, national, and global level. The awards shine a spotlight on outstanding accomplishments of industry professionals for efforts driving BRM community involvement/stewardship, convergence, business value, creativity and innovation, and overall make the world a better place.