BRM Institute South Africa Chapter

Chapter Vision
To be recognized as the professional home and leading information source for Business Relationship Management and Business Partner professionals in South Africa
Chapter Mission Statement
To serve the professional interests of chapter members by providing an environment that enables the expansion of professional networks, advancement of career, and improvement of organizational success.
Chapter Purpose
The primary purpose of the Chapter is to promote the education of individuals for the improvement and development of their capabilities relating to Business Relationship Management.
We are excited to open up the BRM Institute South Africa Chapter! As the first BRM Chapter, this is a significant milestone of the Institute’s strategy to grow the global BRM community and strengthen BRM in the regions.
Membership has been growing in South Africa and thanks to local volunteers, a team has been working on the formation of the Chapter for the past year. The Chapter will help locally to better establish the BRM Institute identity, promote membership, and make it easier to fund and organise local events.
The Chapter Board of Directors has been formed from this initial team of volunteers but in the future will be elected by the local members. Any member can be nominated to serve and indeed all members are encouraged to help as the Chapter is entirely based on volunteer support.
This is a truly exciting initiative for South Africa, and we encourage every local member to participate and help make this a great success. Members will be asked to opt-in as members of the Chapter as well as the Institute and for 2020 there will be no additional Chapter fee. The BoD will decide whether to charge a Chapter member fee for 2021.