The 2024 Global BRM Community Excellence Award Winners

Posted | Category: #BRMLegends, BRM Community, BRMConnect | Contributed

Every year, the global BRM community celebrates the outstanding dedication of individuals and organizations to the BRM role, discipline, capability, and philosophy through the prestigious Global BRM Community Excellence Awards. These remarkable winners have been nominated by fellow members within the global BRM community.

The Global Excellence Awards represent the highest recognition within the single, global BRM community. These awards honor those who have demonstrated exceptional leadership, partnership, and commitment to advancing the Business Relationship Management discipline. They highlight the impact of BRM on driving value, fostering collaboration, and evolving organizations.

The recipients of these awards exemplify the core values of BRM and inspire others in the community to strive for excellence and make a lasting difference. Over the past year, we’ve witnessed remarkable stories of leadership, collaboration, and innovation.  These stories highlight the power of BRM in driving value and creating meaningful impact across organizations. As we honor tonight’s nominees and award recipients, we celebrate the spirit of excellence that these awards represent.


Congratulations to all of the nominees– your contributions are advancing Business Relationship Management around the world and your passion makes the single, global BRM community outstanding.

Please join us in congratulating the following winners for their achievements in advancing the BRM community!

Click on the winners name to view their LinkedIn profile and send them a congratulations message.

Community Impact Award

The Community Impact Award recognizes overall outstanding contributions to the single, global BRM community and discipline through the last year.

This could include contributions through working groups, outreach, ambassador efforts, involvement in BRM community leadership, or championing the BRM discipline through efforts like podcasts, contributors network or otherwise. This award recognizes a positive and significant effort made in support of advancing BRM.


David Sweeney

Associate Professor, Texas A&M University

David has been instrumental in advancing Business Relationship Management at Texas A&M University and equipping early career students with the BRM skills, principles, and practices needed to allow them to flourish in their careers.

BRM Team Award

The BRM Team Award recognizes BRM teams who have made an impact within their organization.

This award is for teams who are able to articulate value and impact on business purpose. A truly impactful team works to actively engage their community while striving for continued learning.

This BRM Team exemplifies excellence through their dedication and commitment to on-going growth and development.


The Mayo Clinic BRM Team


Congratulations to the Mayo Clinic BRM Team. You continue to inspire and advance BRM practices, not only in your own organization but in the single, global BRM community. This is a well deserved award! 

Trailblazer Award: Purpose in Evolution

The Trailblazer Purpose in Evolution Award recognizes the belief that BRM is everywhere through relationships. The winner of this award must have demonstrated a significant impact through deliberate and effective collaboration with their peers. This award celebrates those who have embraced BRM principles to create a culture of shared ownership, measurable results, and shared success.


Swarup Das

Business Relationship Manager, Department of Information Texas A&M University

Congratulations to Swarup Das! He is a BRM for the Department of Information at Texas A&M University and an incredibly active member of the BRM community. He is the community leader for the Texas Triangle BRM Community and was a participant in the Evolved CBRM Pilot in early 2024.

Trailblazer Award: Up and Coming BRM

The Trailblazer Up and Coming BRM Award. This award recognizes individuals who have entered the BRM career path within the last one to two years. They are seeking involvement in the BRM community, learning opportunities from existing knowledge and are advancing their network through mentee relationships with other BRMs.

They are truly blazing a trail forward with advancing their BRM career and knowledge!


Michel Vellve

Senior IT Leader, Universidad Iberoamericana Ciudad de Mexico

Michael is recognized for his dedication to fostering collaboration between IT and business which has resulted in significant advancements in his organization. His passion for empowering teams positions him as a leader who continously transforms challenges into opportunities! 

Executive Award

The Executive Award recognizes a C-Level professional who has demonstrated extraordinary leadership and support for BRMs within their organizations. The recipient of this award is a strong advocate for the BRM discipline, both within their organization and the broader community. This individual stands as a champion for BRMs, using their voice to advance the BRM capability in their organization.


Mariaelena Salazar

IT Assistant Director, Miami Dade County

Mariaelena has been with Miami Dade County for over 15 years and has an incredible passion for people. She encourages her teams to think outside the box, focusing on innovation and continous business improvement through collaboration and using BRM core practices. Congratulations!

The Arnie Award

The Arnie Award recipient represents sustained commitment to going above and beyond to be involved with the BRM community and assume leadership within their BRM practice, establish mentoring relationships with other BRMs, and set an example within the single, global BRM community in efforts to advance the BRM discipline in the world.

They are true leaders in the BRM space and embody the principles and tenets of Business Relationship Management.

What’s an Arnie?

Established in 2016, the Arnie was named after its first recipient, Arnie Wetherhill, who exemplified the qualities of an outstanding BRM.

This prestigious award is given to individuals who embody the spirit of true leadership, mentorship, and excellence in BRM.


Joe Topinka

CEO, Advanity Technologies

Founder and CEO, CIO Mentor

Congratulations Joe Topinka on winning the Arnie! Joe is a visionary leader and a pioneer in Business Relationship Management. Throughout his career, he has championed the importance of IT-business convergence, helping to elevate BRM as a core strategic capability in organizations worldwide.

Joe has been on the Board of Directors for BRM Institute since 2013. Joe has left an indelible mark on the single, global BRM community and even as he retires at the end of this year, his legacy will continue to inspire BRMs across the globe and his contributions will have a lasting impact on the future of the discipline. Thank you Joe!


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